View Full Version : WWE SmackDown! 5/19 8:00 4300-4900+ pts.

05-20-2005, 02:52 AM
What did Carlito say about his cabana?
*Was "greatest show on planet"

What did Heidenreich say he wanted to do once he entered the ring?
*Meet "new friend"

What happened to Mark Jindrak before he entered the ring to wrestle Booker T?
*Started bleeding

What did Matt Morgan agree to do for Carlito?
*Act as his bodyguard

What did Mark Jindrak do to Booker T that upset him?
*Insulted his wife

What did JBL force Scotty 2 Hotty to do?
*Confess to quitting

What did Big Show do during a clip?
*Ate rotten apple

What did Teddy Long threaten to do to JBL if he interfered with the match between John Cena and the Basham Brothers?
*Slap him with fine

What did Eddie Guerrero do in a clip?
*Roughed up Rey Mysterio

What did Scotty 2 Hotty do for fans as he entered the arena?
*Slapped their hands

What did Eddie Guerrero do after entering the ring for the first time?
*Stomped on mask with boot

What had John Cena done that he said was "scrum-tru-lescent"?
*Went to baseball game

What did Scotty 2 Hotty do to JBL during an instant replay?
*Kicked him in face
*Clearasil for Men

What did Joey Mercury do when Hardcore Holly challenged him in the ring before the tag-team match?
*Held up champion belt

05-20-2005, 02:56 AM

In a DVD/VHS commercial during this show, what did a nerdy teenager do before and after "don't be an idiot" appeared in white text on a black background?
*Danced in spotlight on stage
*"Napoleon Dynamite"

In a commercial during this show, what were two men doing when they each took a bite of pizza which caused one man to lick an ice sculpture because the pizza was too spicy?
*Hosting a cooking show together
*Frank's RedHot Sauce
*Offers spice and flavor

05-20-2005, 03:07 AM
In a movie commercial during this show, what did marionettes voiced by Trey Parker and Matt Stone do?
Fought terrorism
"Team America: World Police"

In a public service announcement during this show, what did a teenage boy do while waiting at a bus stop to express both his thanks and regret to his friend Rusty, who "could have changed the world"?
Recited poem about early drug use
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Sobriety is the only safe option

In a commercial during this show, who discussed the benefits of a motel while standing in the lobby before a sign was shown and an announcer spoke and a lighted sign appeared?
Baseball coach and player who gave and translated hand signals
Motel 6
Is cheap, clean and comfortable

In a commercial during this show, what did a couple do on a beach while an announcer talked?
Stood in front of fire
Warm Sensations

05-20-2005, 05:24 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did several people do while standing next to, washing, and putting gas into computer-generated cars while video game footage was shown?
Discussed racing cars and issued challenges in several languages
"Forza Motorsport"

05-20-2005, 07:29 AM
In a commercial during this show, what happened as a man wearing glasses stood behind a table with sandwiches on it before an announcer described the "great taste"?
Man identical to the first entered and joined conversation about sandwiches
Every sandwich is available toasted or untoasted

05-20-2005, 12:29 PM
In a commercial during this show, what were two men doing when they each took a bite of chicken wings which, in turn, caused one man to use a fire extinguisher on the other because his wing was too spicy?
Hosting a cooking show together
Frank's RedHot Sauce
Offers spice and flavor