View Full Version : A Word Of Warning To YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

05-16-2005, 05:45 PM
If you have a problem with acid reflux.........excessive gas etc then please go see the doctors immediately. In dealing with what i have for the last 3 weeks all the doctors are telling us that the esophageal cancer was caused by acid reflux. Yes it takes years to build up, but dont wait till years are gone by before you do something about it!!!!!!!!!!!! Please get it treated now and do yourself and your family a favor. Dealing with Cancer is not something i would wish on anyone!!!
So do it for yourself and peace of mind if nothing else.............

05-16-2005, 05:59 PM
If you have a problem with acid reflux.........excessive gas etc then please go see the doctors immediately. In dealing with what i have for the last 3 weeks all the doctors are telling us that the esophageal cancer was caused by acid reflux. Yes it takes years to build up, but dont wait till years are gone by before you do something about it!!!!!!!!!!!! Please get it treated now and do yourself and your family a favor. Dealing with Cancer is not something i would wish on anyone!!!
So do it for yourself and peace of mind if nothing else.............

This is totally true. A couple of years ago my FIL dealt with this. He ended up have part of his esophagus removed and basically rebuilt with intestine. He is well now, but for a awhile had severe pain from a nerve that got scar tissue around it. Luckily my BIL is a surgeon and he got the best and quick medical care and we ended up with a great outcome.

Great info you provided.

Angel Lips
05-17-2005, 02:00 AM
I never knew this before, thanks for letting me know this

05-17-2005, 05:26 AM
Wow, I didn't know that T and I suffer from acid reflux! :eek:

I suffered for a few years before I finally found a doctor willing to check me out and try some meds. I'm now on Prevacid and doing much better. :)

05-17-2005, 05:29 AM
OK - you just scared me! Everyone keeps telling me that I have Acid Reflux, but I am not convinced. What are the symptoms? Sometimes while eating or drinking, I feel like I swallowed a rock. It is painful, but doesn't seem like gas or heartburn. That is why I don't think it is acid reflux.

Sorry to hear about your problems - I hope you are feeling better very soon!

05-17-2005, 06:36 AM
my dh has acid reflux and the doctor put him on Nexium and it helps a lot. once in awhile my dh has to have his esphogus(sp?) stretched...thanks for that info though :)

05-17-2005, 06:41 AM
I went to the hospital for it over a year ago. I thought I was having a heart attack. I had chest pain and stomache pain that went all the way around to my back. They did an ekg and and took some ex-rays and it turned out that it was acid reflux. I was put on Protonix for it. Sometimes when I'm sleeping I will suddenly wake up feeling like I'm choking and it's the acid rising back up into my esophagus. Then for a couple of hours it feels like a sore throat. It's not fun to have. :(

05-17-2005, 07:02 AM
I have had GERD on occassion. It is not fun and it will mess up your esophagus. I was having muscle spasms from front to back. It was horrible. But there are meds to help you recover.

05-17-2005, 10:03 AM
Thanks for letting others know this T. My DH has acid reflux something fierce and I have it moderately and the dr's told us both that it can lead to cancer. :(

Hugs to you.

05-17-2005, 06:36 PM
If you have a problem with acid reflux.........excessive gas etc then please go see the doctors immediately. In dealing with what i have for the last 3 weeks all the doctors are telling us that the esophageal cancer was caused by acid reflux. Yes it takes years to build up, but dont wait till years are gone by before you do something about it!!!!!!!!!!!! Please get it treated now and do yourself and your family a favor. Dealing with Cancer is not something i would wish on anyone!!!
So do it for yourself and peace of mind if nothing else.............

Last year, my mother was originally diagnosed with acid reflux before she was diagnosed with esophagal cancer. After about 2 weeks, they changed the diagnose and said she never had acid reflux. She didn't have any symptoms before that. It just came on suddenly.