View Full Version : What would you recommend as the #1 thing to see in London?

05-13-2005, 11:51 AM
I am going to be visiting Great Britain and France as part of a tour, but I do have the day we arrive in London(at 10 a.m.) and another London day free (not consecutive). Can anyone tell me what they believe is the number one thing to see in London? I won't have much time with only one day so I was looking for advice of what is the best thing to see in a day's time!

I always get such great help from this board, that I'm turning to you guys!

I did look at this site, which seemed to have great tips too, but I wanted your opinions too! Looking at how much is there, it's kind of overwhelming and I leave on May 26th!



05-13-2005, 11:59 AM
The London Eye is nice. It's a giant ferris-type wheel overlooking the Thames. You can see so much of the city. I went on it at night. Very nice. http://www.londoneye.com/

haha It's so hard to pick just one thing. Kensington Gardens is interesting. You can see Kensington Palace, where Princess Diana lived. I went there for my Mom. Harrod's Department store is an event. Buckingham Palace is a classic stop. I really like to blend in and not look like a tourist. My favorite part of my New Years trip to London, would have been Trafalgar Square on New Years Eve. Even riding the tube is an experience. Overall, London is a great place. My week long visit wasn't enough to see all the sights of London.

05-13-2005, 12:52 PM
[QUOTE=cSoReNSoN]The London Eye is nice. It's a giant ferris-type wheel overlooking the Thames. You can see so much of the city. I went on it at night. Very nice. http://www.londoneye.com/

Is there a long line for the eye? Is it expensive? I love ferris wheels... I could get some great pictures from up there!

05-13-2005, 01:48 PM
For me, the best parts of London were seeing Buckingham Palace and Big Ben, and being able to go into Westminster Abbey.

05-13-2005, 02:13 PM
The Albert and Victoria Museum. Then the Tower of London so you can see the royal jewels. Finally Westminster Abbey to see all of the famous people who are buried there.

05-13-2005, 02:37 PM
I loved westminster abby. The walk to it is amazing. I could honestly care less about buckingham palace. I went for the tower of london. The Changing of the guard is cool too...but if you are a shopper, visit Harrods...just a walk through the food court will blow you away!

05-15-2005, 07:31 AM
Hmm... it sounds like Westminster abbey and the tower of london are two things I should defintely go see! Thanks guys!!!

05-17-2005, 02:48 AM
I have to agree with everyone else - the tower of London is a don't miss. they have guided tours - well worth the time. Westmister ABbey is also great - be prepared to pay to get into most things in London - even the churchs, but it isn't all that expensive. Are you also going to Paris?

05-17-2005, 02:51 AM
Also- one of the most importantthings - pickpockets are EVERYWHERE! They have signs at Westmister, etc that warn you of this. Invest in one of those money packs that fit under your clothes for you passport, etc. My sis got her wallet stolen out of a zipped shut purse at the top of the Effel Tower - and it was between her and the railing.

05-17-2005, 07:23 AM
My co-worker is British and she recommends the Tower of London as #1 - she advises that you take the bus though because it will give you a pretty comprehensive tour of London - you can get on and get off - it's a 24 hour pass.

05-17-2005, 01:05 PM
The subways are easy to use as well. But if the weather is good, take a bus so that you can see the city.