View Full Version : The Monthly Full Moon

05-11-2005, 07:57 AM
I found this and thought some may find it helpful.
This came from http://www.paganspath.com/magik/moon.htm

There are also phases of the moon workings there too.

Enjoy(I know I will)!!!

The Monthly Full Moon
Each full moon holds a little extra special meaning to those who work with magik. It represents the universe in brilliant glory, wholeness or completeness. A wonderful time to work on your own personal spiritual lessons, growth and enlightenment. But as with each phase of the moon, each cycle of the full moon also contains it's own special energy. Aligning your intentions with these energies can also enhance your magikal work.

Many traditions have their own names for the full moons. The names that follow come from Robert Thomas's Old Farmers Almanac (founded in 1792). Additional traditional Moon Names follow.

January ~ Hunger moon
During this month the wolves once roamed the countryside, thus suggesting the name wolf moon. In cold and temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere, it was difficult to find food during January, thus the name hunger moon. This is a good time for planning your year from a spiritual perspective. What do you want to accomplish this year. What do you "hunger" for? Set some goals and plan how to achieve them.

February ~ Snow moon
In certain parts of the world, snow is usually the deepest in this month, thus the name snow moon. This is a good time to focus your magik on home, hearth and family.

March ~ Sap or worm moon
Because sap rises in March, this full moon is called the sap moon. The ground softens during this month, and worms begin to burrow out of the ground, thus the name worm moon. This is a good time for healing magik. Think of the sap as the blood running through your veins carrying health and healing.

April ~ Pink moon
Many flowers turn pink and bloom in April, thus the name pink moon. This is a good time for working on potential relationships, or heading off problems in an existing one.

May ~ Flower moon
Because many flowers bloom in May, after the April downpours, May's moon is called the flower moon. This is a good time for working on commitments, both in spirit and love.

June ~ Rose moon
Because strawberries bloom in June, this month's moon is the strawberry moon. Also, the French call this moon la lune rose, which translates into English as "the rose moon." This is a good time for taking stock of the year. It's the mid-way point, so review what you've accomplished and what's left to do. Hopefully you'll find reasons for a celebration and put those strawberries and roses to good use.

July ~ Buck moon
Male deer, or bucks, grow their first antlers during this month, thus the name buck moon. This is a very masculine moon, so it's a good time to work on the physical things in your life. Either physical in body, or things that some physical attention, like fixing the loose handle on the kitchen drawer.

August ~ Sturgeon moon
Because it is sturgeon season in certain parts of the world in August, its moon is called the sturgeon moon. This is the month to give thanks. Not only to the Great Spirit, but to yourself too. So set this moon aside for pampering yourself and your family. Your magikal night can begin with a relaxing meditation and a personal reading for yourself.

September ~ Corn moon
Native Americans began to harvest their crops during this month every year (this full moon occurs late in August and is called the harvest moon). If the full moon occurs earlier in September, it is called the corn moon because the corn crop is ready for picking at that time. A good time clean and clear up the issues of life. A ritual for healing old wounds, emotional and physical, forgiving transgressors and yourself. A "letting go" time. Your harvesting the abundance of your soul and your growth, so get rid of that old stuff and make room for the new enlightened you!

October ~ Hunter's moon
The hunting season begins in October, thus the name hunter's moon. This is a good time to align yourself with nature and conducting magikal rituals concerning animal issues, such as finding your personal animal guide, totem or relating to your birth totem.

November ~ Beaver moon
Beaver traps were once set in this month to catch enough beaver to make warm clothing for the upcoming winter. A wonderful time for setting protection and protecting yourself from those 'cold' winds that try to interfere with your personal spiritual evolution.

December ~ Cold moon
The approach of cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere gives this month's full moon its name. Once again a wonderful moon for turning your attention to home, especially ritual space.

05-11-2005, 08:13 AM
Cool post! I added the site to my favorites, it looks interesting. Thanks for sharing!! :)

05-11-2005, 08:47 AM
Thanks for posting this. :)

05-13-2005, 04:19 AM
saving link :D

05-13-2005, 07:37 AM
That is really cool, thank you very much! I have learned so much from you guys I'm really enjoying it!

05-13-2005, 07:55 AM
Darn double post!