View Full Version : Creative Commons--Free Music, Photos, Etc

05-03-2005, 05:47 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm trying out this new website called creativecommons.org. So far, I think it's pretty cool, so I thought I would share it with you all. Since it isn't a "freebie" in the usual sense, I posted it here instead of the freebie board.

This site allows you to "share" items such as music, art, literature, photos, etc. In a quote, "Founded in 2001 by Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig and other experts in intellectual property rights, Creative Commons is an international organization that gives everyone a chance to get their name, their vision and their content out there for the world to enjoy. Creative Commons lets people share their work exactly how they want to share it by reserving some rights, as opposed to reserving all rights like a traditional copyright."

This site is about sharing of ideas and such.

Has anyone else heard of this site before?