View Full Version : Another NEWS update.......

04-06-2005, 06:42 PM
can we say duh!!!!!!!!! On the Noon news today they were telling about 2 men who had stopped at a gas station and were checking their fuel level in their truck. They used a CIGARETTE LIGHTER to get a better look...........kaboom!!! I think they said both were sent to the hospital with burns. How dumb can you get???

04-06-2005, 09:40 PM
:eek: seriously... That is so SAD that they didn't know better. A few summers ago my mom and I were at a gas station and this dumb girl flirting w/ her bf almost lit up a cigarette right there by the pump as her bf was pumping the gas! As my mom and I stood there in shock and unable to speak her bf told her she needed to lite up AWAY from the pump... YOU THINK? :rolleyes: Then she just giggled and went closer to the building. DUH!

Kyla Kym
04-06-2005, 10:33 PM
I just don't understand why people think gas fumes aren't dangerous! My cousin was caught on fire when he lit a cig after walking out of a gas station door. He had just paid for his gas and when he came out, the wind was blowing just right and some how the fumes hit him at the same time he struck his lighter and kaboom! He was on fire. He lost a ear!

This same guy's niece & BIL were burn terribly when they were having a old under ground propane tank dug up. The backhoe accidentally hit the tank and even though it was really old there was enough fumes in there to burn them all really badly. The niece ( My cousin) was coming out the back door when it happened and she was only 15 at the time. Her face is now scared badly. The house was even scooted off it's foundation.

I wish they would report stuff like this on CNN so people like the OP is talking about might know better than to literally play with fire.

I can't count the times I see people get out of their cars at the gas pumps with a lit cig. Even if they do put it out when they get out, they are still risking hurting themselves and others in the parking lot with their stupidity. :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 06:04 AM
omg, "here's your sign"

04-07-2005, 09:18 AM
omg, "here's your sign"

LOL I didn't think of that one!!

yeah I agree it should be posted on CNN. People just don't think!!