View Full Version : WARNING: Don't wave the "Birdy" at a passing cop.

03-14-2005, 05:24 PM
My 10 year old's school bus got pulled over by a local police officer on the way home because a fellow boy passenger thought it would be funny to flick the bird at him.

Thus, the cop pulled the bus over and had the bus driver informed of the incident. The boy claimed it wasn't "my middle finger".

Since this was the second time that this boy had done this in recent months the officer indicated that the next time the boy would be taken off the bus and spend some time at the station.

03-14-2005, 05:40 PM
:eek: Sounds like he could use a little time at the station... ;) This reminded me of when we drove through IL and this little brat riding a school bus fingered me while we were on the interstate (or freeway for the west coasters.) ;) I could not imagine what my mom would do if she caught me fingering someone at that age...or even today. I'm sure she would have pulled over and told me how wrong that was or yell at me to knock it off. Can you imagine that poor bus driver wondering what the heck they did wrong and then having it turn out to be that stunt... the kid would have definately been written up if I was his driver! Thankfully the kids I drove were pretty much well behaived. Anywhoo... ;)

03-14-2005, 06:02 PM
:eek: LOL (sorry) Kids will be kids,even though we as parents don't like what they do.

03-14-2005, 06:40 PM
I had a friend do that once on a school bus. The woman followed the bus to school and then informed the bus driver what happened. LOL Then she went into the school and told the principal. Boy was that girl ever in trouble. Needless to say she never did it again.

03-14-2005, 08:12 PM
I guess I thought everybody knew that... where I live if you do it to ANYONE (not just a cop) you can be arrested for assault if the cop so feels inclined.

03-15-2005, 05:28 AM
Lol I love people that scream assault over something so stupid or people who get so offended over it, its just a finger! Granted I wouldn't want my kid doing it at a young age, but its so funny how adults get so worked up over it. Just like swearing, that particular hand gesture only means what you want it to mean lol. I truly don't understand how certain words and gestures are considered to be so offending, its just a bunch of letter strung together who cares?? Its pretty funny that kid did that though, can you imagine the look on his face when the bus got pulled over!

03-15-2005, 08:33 AM
Lol I love people that scream assault over something so stupid or people who get so offended over it, its just a finger! Granted I wouldn't want my kid doing it at a young age, but its so funny how adults get so worked up over it. Just like swearing, that particular hand gesture only means what you want it to mean lol. I truly don't understand how certain words and gestures are considered to be so offending, its just a bunch of letter strung together who cares?? Its pretty funny that kid did that though, can you imagine the look on his face when the bus got pulled over!

I agree with you .. That is going too far by getting arrested or what ever over giving someone the finger.. Man it's a just hand gesture people..

03-15-2005, 09:39 AM
Actually, what the cop did was illegal. People can show the bird to a police officer and there will be nothing done. This was a case that came up about three years ago. It was considered a free speak issue I believe.

Anyway, kids only learn what adults teach them. I think the cop should have visted the parents.

03-15-2005, 01:45 PM
LOL, it could have been worse. The kid could have mooned him.

03-15-2005, 05:23 PM
cop should have taken the boy off the bus and escorted him home to inform the parents i think........first a finger then what?


03-15-2005, 05:32 PM
cop should have taken the boy off the bus and excorted him home to inform the parents i think........first a finger then what?



Just a rude, disrespectful gesture to authority.

03-15-2005, 06:21 PM
Funny where kids learn things from, I have encountered situations where it wouldnt matter if you took the kid home and told the parents what he had done because that is where he learned it :(

BTW did some research about free speech and being able to use your middle finger here is the repsonse I got:


Teen asks S.D. high court to overturn disorderly conduct conviction

03-16-2005, 05:02 PM
Actually, what the cop did was illegal. People can show the bird to a police officer and there will be nothing done. This was a case that came up about three years ago. It was considered a free speak issue I believe.

My brother is a New York State Police officer and he said that you can be "ticketed" for harrasment but you can not arrest someone. He said it is NOT free speach when done to a member of the law because they consider it usurping (sp) authority. (I had no idea) I think that kids need to be made aware that the crap they are pulling lately will not be tolerated. I personally would be embarrased to use such a gesture let alone my knowing kids were doing such a thing. It's all a matter of respect and some parents don't see anything wrong. Thats where our future generation has learned so who do we blame? I SAY THE PARENTS!!

03-16-2005, 05:10 PM
My brother is a New York State Police officer and he said that you can be "ticketed" for harrasment but you can not arrest someone. He said it is NOT free speach when done to a member of the law because they consider it usurping (sp) authority. (I had no idea) I think that kids need to be made aware that the crap they are pulling lately will not be tolerated. I personally would be embarrased to use such a gesture let alone my knowing kids were doing such a thing. It's all a matter of respect and some parents don't see anything wrong. Thats where our future generation has learned so who do we blame? I SAY THE PARENTS!!

Amen firecheck, amen :(

03-16-2005, 05:28 PM
If a cop wrote ME either a ticket for harrassment, or assault, then I would definitely take it to court.

There is no such law as "usurping authority".... I can say "F - you" to a cop and he can't do anything about it.... But if I yell it loud enough, I can be arrested for disturbing the peace (not his, but anyone around that overhears me)!!!

That being said, I think the cop in the OP's story should have followed the bus to school (instead of pulling it over and scaring the driver).... what the kid did was in poor taste and beyond his age, but the cop did not have "probable cause" of a crime (traffic violation), nor was it a safety issue.

The Cop should have asked the driver to tell him the name of the kid, then taken the kid to his car and had a talk with him, then called the kids parents.... that would have PROBABLY put enough of a scare into the kid....

but this is just MHO.... knowing about 30 cops!!!

03-16-2005, 06:44 PM
What bugs me is that there was probably someone getting robbed or shot across town while this cop was busy pulling over a bus full of kids. I'm not condoning what the kid did but there must have been a better way of handling it.

03-16-2005, 10:43 PM
Actually, what the cop did was illegal. People can show the bird to a police officer and there will be nothing done. This was a case that came up about three years ago. It was considered a free speak issue I believe.

Anyway, kids only learn what adults teach them. I think the cop should have visted the parents.

I guess it depends on the state... cause as I said, where I live, you can be arrested for assault (altho, I doubt it happens much... if at all).

03-17-2005, 12:35 AM
And Let Me Add How Many Of Us Adults Do The Same Thing To Drivers When We Are Upset? I Know I Have Been Known To Do It ,not Often ,but I Have Done It! And Im Like A Few Others ,its Just A Finger,get Over It Already At Least It Wasnt A Gun!! Jmho

03-17-2005, 03:38 AM
And Let Me Add How Many Of Us Adults Do The Same Thing To Drivers When We Are Upset? I Know I Have Been Known To Do It ,not Often ,but I Have Done It! And Im Like A Few Others ,its Just A Finger,get Over It Already At Least It Wasnt A Gun!! Jmho

and this is coming from the same person who was SO OFFENDED by someone burping in publichttp://

sorry, i couldnt help myselfhttp://