View Full Version : you are right i am wrong so very wrong...

03-08-2005, 10:13 AM
you know it MUST be nice being a stay at home mom.. i surely dont work as hard as you do... because i stay home all day eating bon bons...

so when you call me at home.. to witch to me about (god forbid) me giving your child a test in 2 weeks on the three prayers and the seven sacraments. ... our father. hail mary and the apostles creed... just remember this... i will personally NOT test your child... i know he is busy with all of his extra curricular activities and i know that you are a working mom and dont have the time to teach him... heck that is my job right???
i am so sorry if i thought i was doing the right thing... preparing him for forth grade religion. hey i only copied these prayers out of your childs book and printed them out for each student... but thats because i was just bored...being a SAHM and all...
but hey if its in the book it doesnt REALLY need to be learned right?

i am just a volunteer... i did this because we wouldnt have a third grade religion class... please do me the favor and call the administration office.. please.. .you said you would.. please do it... i asked to have 16 kids and no aide...

and yet my child is in my class and i demand the same if not more out of him.... i demand perfection from my child but not yours... and because you told me so nicely he wont get tested...

where are all you complainers when it comes time to actually do the work? gone... hey i keep forgetting i am a non payed babysitter for you one day a week. my boo boo.. please forgive me...

and BTW i am so sorry i was soo nice to you on the phone as you got your knickers in a twist... next time ill freak out just for you...

you know its because of all you people who complain and dont volunteer that i am going to be the next pta president.... no one else wanted to do it... so instead of having the pta disbanded becasue of no president i again steped up to the plate...
please feel free to call me up and tell me what i am doing wrong... i prefer my calls during dinner time when i am sitting down with my family... and yes i sit by the phone just waiting for your complaint and call...

* the above was a MASSIVE dose of sarcasm... i needed to get it off of my chest... do you think you are making my day nice and bright when you call me like this? and yet i would never do that to you ... and i never have... :( you honestly think im out to make your kids life bad or something???

i am very sorry i volunteered to be a religion teacher... i dont think ill make that mistake again...

03-08-2005, 10:32 AM
I hope your day gets better! (((Hugs)))

03-08-2005, 10:37 AM
(((Hugs))) hope things get better.

03-08-2005, 10:55 AM
Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Keep at it...I am sure you are doing a great job!!

03-08-2005, 01:38 PM
*hugs* As far as I am concerned, you deserve a STANDING OVATION, on and offline. You have grace, class, and are a true lady. Stay at home moms, even who don't volunteer, in this country are become a rarer breed. Now one who volunteers in her community, and with all of her heart and soul, no less, is indeed a rare person. Police, fire stations, churches, both political parties, and many entities that were the backbone of this nation were strong because of the ladies behind them that volunteered, on and off the force. It is a tough job, one that often does not command enough thank yous, or respect. On top of that, as if that wasn't enough, we are often regraded as lazy, etc. I've watched a lot of your posts for a while. They are high quality, and well thought out. You are the person who often does a lot of little kindnesses discreetly, that gave this BBS its reputation as a caring place of family. I am sorry that you were treated that way. I truly wish there were more people like you in the world. THANK YOU for being a volunteer, and being the caring person you are. Please don't let someone like that take away the gift the children have. -Joy

03-08-2005, 01:39 PM
So sorry you had to deal with such an inconsiderate parent. Really.

But you also learned a small part of what a teacher has to deal with....

Continue volunteering and do the job the best you can. Ignore the ingrates - or better yet, nominate THEM for the job the following year! ;)

03-08-2005, 04:12 PM
*hugs* As far as I am concerned, you deserve a STANDING OVATION, on and offline. You have grace, class, and are a true lady. Stay at home moms, even who don't volunteer, in this country are become a rarer breed. Now one who volunteers in her community, and with all of her heart and soul, no less, is indeed a rare person. Police, fire stations, churches, both political parties, and many entities that were the backbone of this nation were strong because of the ladies behind them that volunteered, on and off the force. It is a tough job, one that often does not command enough thank yous, or respect. On top of that, as if that wasn't enough, we are often regraded as lazy, etc. I've watched a lot of your posts for a while. They are high quality, and well thought out. You are the person who often does a lot of little kindnesses discreetly, that gave this BBS its reputation as a caring place of family. I am sorry that you were treated that way. I truly wish there were more people like you in the world. THANK YOU for being a volunteer, and being the caring person you are. Please don't let someone like that take away the gift the children have. -Joy

stop it your making me blush... but your post made me feel so much better... thanks... i have a habit of using the vent section to vent.. and it works.. i dont yell at home as much lol... i think posting your feelings does help. its cathartic...

all my life i just do... i never ask questions i step up to the plate... i try not to complain.. but today was an AWFUL day... do you know that apple cider will explode in your fridge? i learned that one today.. it is possible to have sore throat for two weeks... i went to a doctor and she gave me ketek... im dizzy and tired from it... the cure is worse than the disease.. sinus infection.. and dh is stuck in the snow storm right now.. so im watching the news for traffic updates.. kids came home 45 minutes late due to the storm.. oldest had a tantrum and broke his dvd player and the youngest had an awful day from school requireing a note... when it rains it pours!!! re reading my post im laughing! this stuff cant be made up!!! lol...

LitWtch So sorry you had to deal with such an inconsiderate parent. Really.But you also learned a small part of what a teacher has to deal with....

Continue volunteering and do the job the best you can. Ignore the ingrates - or better yet, nominate THEM for the job the following year!

this is why i never call a teacher to complain... this is why i never call a parent to complain.. i know every family has its strifes... everyones shoes are so different... i couldnt wear yours and vice versa... so i tend to be a bit on the understanding side...

i dont want to seem like a whiner.. but man there are days.... where you would swear the stars are in alignment.. and murphys law kicks in so bad...

ill leave you on my phliosophy about people... i got it from my grandmother...
even the queen poops (gramma used the other word) the same as us. that makes her no different. and it makes you no different either...
translation.. we are all human...