View Full Version : Work Vent

03-07-2005, 08:21 PM
Some people may remember when I posted about my job last year. They wanted to fire me because of how I looked. I didnt fit the image of their boutique. The manager ended up quitting. Well, the former mgr got a job that deals with our company, and has to occasionally make phone calls to us to ensure accuracy and promptness in certain jobs. 2 of us in the 7 person office remained friends with the former manager. I left a note for the other person who was in charge of that particular job. The note simply said. ****, please call S****** about so and so's job. The current mgr saw the note, made a photocopy of it and said they were watching S****** to make sure all phone calls and dealings she had with all of us were business only. I didnt like it because S****** had quit last year because of me and now I felt like they were using me as "bait" to catch her in something. I told the dr where I work the next day that I wasn't happy about being used as bait and was going to make it a lot harder to catch S***** by using me. I also told him while I was at it...that there were some account rcvble discrepancies because I was being told to write some things off that were being done in error. The current mgr wasnt sure how to charge for them, so guessed and told me to write the rest off. Well, the mgr ended up fired friday because of some of this stuff and they dug deeper and found a lot more. They asked her some point blank questions--she had asked me to log in under her name and make adjustments. She told them she did not give me the password. I feel bad she got fired. But then she told them that she was totally innocent. That I and some others were doing things without her knowledge, when in fact we were doing things on her orders. Then...in our 7 person office, after she got fired Friday, a new girl who was hired last week didnt show up today---no show, no call....AND--I have a job interview for a different company tomorrow...Not sure if that part is a vent or not yet. I dont know what to do with all this stuff going on. Someone fired because of some lies she told to me---among others...then Im getting interviews for different jobs. Man...what a mess.

03-08-2005, 05:19 AM
I can't say that I blame you for looking for another job. I would be afraid that I would be fired for something I know I didn't do. Who knows what management will do next?

Good luck on your interview!

03-08-2005, 09:35 PM
*hugs* what a tricky situation. I hope everything goes well or should i say went well on your interview! You'll have to let us all know and celebrate the good news when you get something better and are able to leave that awful place! :D

03-09-2005, 04:22 AM
The interview went very well. It is $3.50 an hour more than I currently make with a lot less responsiblity. Responsibility doesnt bother me, but not being paid for that responsiblity does...Like today...normally the manager worked with just me for Wed afternoons because the doctor does not work Wed afternoons. WELL--since there is no manager anymore, no one else wanted to work this afternoon, however, I still am expected to. Because the doctor will be there giving interviews for the new positions available. I dont want to jump the gun (but the lady at the staffing agency told me that she was going to get me in this company that I interviewed for, no matter what) but I so want to tell the doctor he needs to interview for one more position. Yesterday another girl came in and gave her notice--they are trying to talk her out of it. She may be the next manager now. LOL. She asked me if she got manager how could she talk me out of leaving. WELL.....that list would be a mile long at this point. Just like it was pretty warm, so the tech turned the temp to 69-70.....Well within 5 minutes the front desk girl was freezing, so she got up, turned the temp back up to 76. I looked at her and said, you know, you can add more clothes, but Im sure you dont want me to start taking mine off! She said, well, I dont have any more to add. Believe it or not, I felt bad about leaving....didnt think the doctor could take a lot more with a manager being fired Friday, a no show employee on Monday, another gave notice on Tuesday...and we are only a 7 employee office anyway. I am supposed to have my second interview for this new position either Thursday or Friday...Please keep your fingers crossed for me...Plus instead of going 18 miles to work every day, it will be less than 10.

03-09-2005, 05:49 AM
Fingers are crossed. Good luck!

03-09-2005, 11:22 AM
No dr. on Wednesday's? Sounds like the company I used to work for (is it ABC&E?)...If it's what I'm thinking of - GET OUT QUICK!

03-09-2005, 12:54 PM
Are you working for a doctor? Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

03-09-2005, 06:29 PM
LOL, this is an optometrist office. It is a partnership corporation around Kansas City area, with 6 other offices in northern Kansas. My last friend there gave her notice yesterday...Im still hoping I can give my notice this week or next. This girl who used to work there, but she could never work the late evenings cause she had a daughter at home, got hired back tonight part time...for those very hours she couldnt work before. LOL. :confused: I gotta get out of there.....