View Full Version : $21M Art Project Opens in Central Park

Jolie Rouge
02-12-2005, 08:21 PM
'The Gates' Open, Livening Up Central Park


NEW YORK (AP) - ``The Gates'' are open - all 7,500 of 'em. The biggest art project in New York City's history debuted Saturday in Central Park with the unfurling of saffron-colored fabric banners suspended in 16-foot-high frames, providing a splash of sunrise 26 years in the making. ``I came for this. It's poetry in motion. It's for the moment - a kind of Zen,'' said Barbara Knorr, who came from Switzerland just to see the exhibit created by Christo and Jeanne-Claude.


``The Gates'' is the pair's first major project in New York City. It features 7,500 frames with their hanging orange-tinted fabric, creating what the artists billed as ``a visual golden river'' along 23 miles of footpaths in the park.

Knorr took in the sight from the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which offered a panoramic view of lines of the wind-blown banners snaking through the trees in the park below.


Everyone, it seemed, had an opinion.

``It's art,'' pronounced 8-year-old Mikaela Simon, of Shiloh, N.J., as she sketched the scene in a notebook on the museum roof.

Thea Stone said the artists ``created a temple in the park; it's become like a holy place to walk.''

The 16-day exhibit was expected to lure tens of thousands of art lovers and the merely curious to Manhattan. It opened with cheers as Mayor Michael Bloomberg raised a hooked baton to pull a tab and release the first swatch of fabric from a sleeve at the top of a gate. A class of fourth-graders counted down the seconds. By noon, more than 1 million square feet of fabric had been freed to flap in the stiff breeze.

The work's official title - ``The Gates, Central Park, New York, 1979-2005'' - refers to the artists' conception of the project 26 years ago. They are paying for the project themselves and estimate the cost could total as much $21 million. ``I can't promise, particularly since this is New York, that everyone will love 'The Gates,' but I guarantee that they will all talk about it,'' Bloomberg said Friday. ``And that's really what innovative, provocative art is supposed to do.''

Christo and Jeanne-Claude were reticent to discuss their creation. ``It's very difficult,'' explained Christo. ``You ask us to talk. This project is not involving talk. It's a real, physical space. It's not necessary to talk. You spend time, you experience the project.''

Their previous projects included ``Wrapped Reichstag,'' which wrapped the German Parliament building in Berlin in silvery fabric in 1995, and for ``The Umbrellas'' of 1991, with 3,100 large umbrellas opened in valleys of California and Japan.

Whether ``The Gates'' is deemed art or not, the work accomplished no small feat: It nudged thousands of New Yorkers out of bed on a freezing Saturday morning.

Ali Naqui had to be dragged to the unveiling by his fiancee, but then was smiling by the time he joined the crowd. ``It's a bit insane, but that's why everybody is here,'' he said.

One New York fourth-grader had her own art critique. ``It's a waste of money, but it's fabulous,'' said Shakana Jayson. ``It brings happiness when you look at it.''


On the Net:

Artists: http://christojeanneclaude.net/tg.html

02/12/05 15:26


I have to go with the "waste of money"

02-12-2005, 08:50 PM

I have to go with the "waste of money"

I hafta agree . . . . Glad it's not coming out of the taxpayers money. The dude did pay for it himself, I believe. I saw this on the world news n the first thing I thought of was . . . . watch the vandals come out . . . . then I'm thinking, them millions could be used elsewhere. :rolleyes:

Jolie Rouge
02-12-2005, 09:16 PM

We will hear sometime next week of the homeless stripping the material down and using it to keep warm. Or street punks just tearing them down because they are there.

02-13-2005, 07:33 AM
Yeah, what they should have done is donate the $21 million to the President's inauguration like a lot of other wealthy people did! lmao! Yes, I agree, it might not be the wisest way to spend $21 million, but atleast they spent it on something beautiful, something that will bring a smile to at least a few people's faces...and not some stupid party. :p

02-13-2005, 07:37 AM
It's their money...They can do what they want with... :D

02-13-2005, 08:00 AM
All i can say is good grief................seems a big waste of money from these two, but as they said art is for them and if other people enjoy it too then it is a bonus

02-13-2005, 09:47 AM
They raised the money so in my opinion they can do what they want with it. I'm just glad they used it for something here in this country. I'm sick of seeing all the money that is going to other countries. If more money was being spent to take care of our own the homeless wouldn't have to pull down the cloth to keep themselves warm in.

02-13-2005, 09:50 AM
They should have given the money to me. I promise I would have used it wisely. Free homes to all BBSers...woo hoo. I love art but I must say this is a huge waste of money. But as the saying goes...to each their own.

02-13-2005, 09:53 AM
I could think of better things to use it on too but I'm just glad it wasn't given to some other country. At least it's something that people here in the US will be able to enjoy.

02-13-2005, 02:05 PM
Whoa, this is Christo and this is what he does. People will travel from all over the world to see his art. It is experience art not like a painting on the wall. Personally, I think it's great! I would love to walk through those doors. This is absolutely fabulous!!

02-13-2005, 03:40 PM
What some may think is a waste, others consider well spent. These gates are awesome. Worth the time and effort the artists have spent, and much appreciated beauty brought to a place that has little or none.

02-14-2005, 10:43 AM
I'm about 3 blocks from Central Park, but I haven't walked through the gates yet. It's certainly an interesting looking thing. I'm glad they used their own money for this. I think that if I were rich, it would haunt me to use money for something like this when there are people suffering all over the world--people who are starving to death when the cost of one of these "gates" would feed their entire village for a lifetime. That's why I'll never be rich anyway, at least not financially, lol.

Jolie Rouge
02-14-2005, 01:33 PM
Yeah, what they should have done is donate the $21 million to the President's inauguration like a lot of other wealthy people did! lmao! Yes, I agree, it might not be the wisest way to spend $21 million, but at least they spent it on something beautiful, something that will bring a smile to at least a few people's faces...and not some stupid party

I am sure the people at the parties had a smile :)

How about the ridiculous amount of money spent on the Trump wedding ??

02-14-2005, 02:17 PM
Personally im not an artsy person, I think all that art crap is just crap. Thats just me though, maybe some people will enjoy it. What is that gucci fabric or something to cost that much??

02-14-2005, 03:03 PM
Yeah, what they should have done is donate the $21 million to the President's inauguration like a lot of other wealthy people did! lmao! Yes, I agree, it might not be the wisest way to spend $21 million, but at least they spent it on something beautiful, something that will bring a smile to at least a few people's faces...and not some stupid party

I am sure the people at the parties had a smile :)

How about the ridiculous amount of money spent on the Trump wedding ??
I would much rather think that the money was spent on a wedding opposed to a war...but that just my opinion.

02-14-2005, 03:38 PM
You know they could have given ME the 21 million bucks...I definately would have found a use for it. :D

Jolie Rouge
02-14-2005, 09:23 PM
I would much rather think that the money was spent on a wedding opposed to a war...but that just my opinion.

since when does the Presidential Inguraual = War ?? :rolleyes:

02-15-2005, 05:53 AM
since when does the Presidential Inguraual = War ?? :rolleyes:
Hmmmm, I re-read and re-read and no where did I type the words Presidential Inguraual...I was just going on your opinion and added my own. I would much rather think all that money was spent on a wedding (equals love) then on a war (equals hate). But it is no secret that your current President is for war and the Presidental Inguraual was for your President.

02-15-2005, 07:45 AM
Ladies, ladies, please. This is an expression of art. If you don't like it that is okay if you like it good. That is the whole purpose to art. To get reactions good and bad. Now regardless of funding I think that it is a nice gesture to the city of New York (that evil empire ;) ). I'm sure if you look you can find some of the other pieces they have done around the world.



Here are some sites with pictures. Truly remarkable. :)

Jolie Rouge
02-15-2005, 09:09 AM
Hmmmm, I re-read and re-read and no where did I type the words Presidential Inguraual... I was just going on your opinion and added my own. I would much rather think all that money was spent on a wedding (equals love) then on a war (equals hate). But it is no secret that your current President is for war and the Presidental Inguraual was for your President. [quote]

You quote the exchange between JKATHERINE & myself ....

[quote=JKATHERINE] Yeah, what they should have done is donate the $21 million to the President's inauguration like a lot of other wealthy people did! lmao! Yes, I agree, it might not be the wisest way to spend $21 million, but at least they spent it on something beautiful, something that will bring a smile to at least a few people's faces...and not some stupid party


I am sure the people at the parties had a smile

How about the ridiculous amount of money spent on the Trump wedding ??

I would much rather think that the money was spent on a wedding opposed to a war...but that just my opinion.

In context it seems that you were commenting on that conversation.

Please explain "your President" ?


Do you live in Canada ??

02-15-2005, 09:25 AM
Hmmmm, I re-read and re-read and no where did I type the words Presidential Inguraual...I was just going on your opinion and added my own. I would much rather think all that money was spent on a wedding (equals love) then on a war (equals hate). But it is no secret that your current President is for war and the Presidental Inguraual was for your President.

I don't refer to him as my president either. He certainly doesn't represent my views.

02-15-2005, 09:54 AM
How did this turn into a conversation about our president? Is Pres. Bush to blame for this also? Wow, I didn't know that. :rolleyes:

02-15-2005, 10:05 AM
I was just commenting well because I have an opinion and chose to add to the conversation as I felt like I wanted to. I wasn't trying to start trouble but apparently I have. Which is fine. I did NOT vote for Bush, I am against what he is doing. I am sorry that you approve of his actions. I am against "his" war and the lives he is costing American people as well as all the money that is being foolishly wasted. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You made it known all through the election who you supported, so that is why I choose to say "your" President. This country is in a world of hurt and you complain about money being wasted on art, not taxpayers money but an individuals money, you think that is wrong??? But yet your President just asked for more "emergency money" for the military? I would like to think I have my facts right when I say something like 80 BILLION dollars, but please don't quote me on that but it is "needed" for reorganization??? WTH? I am sure you can find an article on it.

02-15-2005, 10:08 AM
How did this turn into a conversation about our president? Is Pres. Bush to blame for this also? Wow, I didn't know that. :rolleyes:

I think it's because Jolie is complaining about what a group of people choose to do with money that they raised themselves for an art project. Everyone knows how much she supports Bush so some of us are curious why she isn't complaining about what he's doing with money.

Jolie Rouge
02-15-2005, 10:35 AM
How did this turn into a conversation about our president? Is Pres. Bush to blame for this also? Wow, I didn't know that.

Because it is an oppurtunity to B&W and it is so much easier to find someone to blame than to actually do something about the problems.

I was just commenting well because I have an opinion and chose to add to the conversation as I felt like I wanted to. I wasn't trying to start trouble but apparently I have. Which is fine.

I didn't percieve it as "starting trouble" - I was offering clarification. YOU chose to see it as "trouble" as when continue with your diatribe against Bush, when this was a thread about an expensive "art" project that I just thought was rather silly.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

As they did under Clinton, under Bush Sr, under Reagan.... as so on for the past several millienia

I think it's because Jolie is complaining about what a group of people choose to do with money that they raised themselves for an art project. Everyone knows how much she supports Bush so some of us are curious why she isn't complaining about what he's doing with money.

Comlaining and offering an opinion are two different things. The sum of my remarks has been : "waste of money"; "We will hear sometime next week of the homeless stripping the material down and using it to keep warm. Or street punks just tearing them down because they are there"; and "silly".

I have used some of the same terms to decribe the Inagurale Celebrations or the Bush -and- Clinton Administrations, the Trump Wedding and this boondoggle.

Try reading ( with an open mind ) some of my posts during the campaign; I do have some points of disagreement with Bush but I still think he was the best man for the job of the candidates that were running. I liked Dean - I still like McCain.

02-15-2005, 11:22 AM
How did this turn into a conversation about our president? Is Pres. Bush to blame for this also? Wow, I didn't know that. :rolleyes:
No....And I don't think that was implied anywhere either.

02-15-2005, 02:20 PM
Please someone who lives in NYC or the immediate area go see what Christo has done and give us your opinion. I think that he is a brilliant artist. He employs loads of people and he does wonderful and creative things that can be enjoyed by thousands of people. There are many great works of art that are sitting in people's homes that are never seen by the public that cost so much more.

Enjoy this! It is to be enjoyed and experienced.

02-15-2005, 02:40 PM
I think it is great and generous of them to share their art with so many. It will be a boon for NYC, during this long winter and the color is sure to brighten a few spirits. I wish there were more accessible pieces like this everywhere. It is their money and I'm grateful that they chose to share with so many instead of hoarding it or spending it on something else. I say make art not war! I will be going down next week to peep it out ,I'm so excited!

02-15-2005, 02:56 PM
I think it is great and generous of them to share their art with so many. It will be a boon for NYC, during this long winter and the color is sure to brighten a few spirits. I wish there were more accessible pieces like this everywhere. It is their money and I'm grateful that they chose to share with so many instead of hoarding it or spending it on something else. I say make art not war! I will be going down next week to peep it out ,I'm so excited!
It would be nice if you would take pics for us all to see. The ones posted are hard to really see how it looks. Do you have a digital camera? Beings I live in Georgia, I doubt I will ever make my way up to NYC to see this. Thanks.

As for making this a political thread so to speak, I am sorry to the OP, I didn't mean it to go that way. I will refrain from further words about political things.

02-15-2005, 03:00 PM
I sure will try and take pics, am asking my friends in the city to get the scoop on the best way to try and see it from high up , to try and get a sense of the whole thing, I will bring the camera and post the pics!

02-15-2005, 03:10 PM
I sure will try and take pics, am asking my friends in the city to get the scoop on the best way to try and see it from high up , to try and get a sense of the whole thing, I will bring the camera and post the pics!
Thank you. I think it will be neat to see actual pictures from someone we "know".

Jolie Rouge
02-18-2005, 03:51 PM
David Lettermen's Top Ten Most Common Questions About The Gates

10. Why?

9. Twenty-five million for drapes?

8. Will it improve my cell phone reception?

7. When I get mugged by a guy hiding behind a giant curtained arch, which city agency should I sue?

6. What's this I hear about filling up Central Park with Crisco?

5. Where do I report a gate-jacking?

4. This is a joke, right?

3. If you rearrange the letters in "Christo" you can spell "Ostrich".

2. Would you describe this more as a colossal waste of money or a colossal waste of time?

1. Is it urine-proof?

02-19-2005, 08:45 AM
I saw this on the national news, too and first I was also thinking, why spend so much money on Fabric?? But then they were talking about the impact this will have on tourism. Christo and his g/f/ladyfriend, know the kind of attention their art draws, so not only is it something beautiful to look at in an often dreary city, it is also a big help to all of the people, struggling or otherwise, who rely on tourism for a job. Come do it in my town, please. I might actually be able to find a job. $25 million for a sales boost in a dry season? I say money well spent. I'm sure the workers in the tshirt shops who got more hours since the drapes went up would agree. But hey, thats JMO

Jolie Rouge
02-23-2005, 08:28 PM
Whatever they are, 'The Gates' are a hit
By Maria Puente, USA TODAY

They've been called pure joy and pure junk, but the reaction to Christo and Jeanne-Claude's The Gates art installation in New York's Central Park has been largely positive, city officials say. "This has been the most popular art event of the last five years in sheer numbers of people and exuberance displayed," says Tom Eccles, director of the Public Art Fund.

The Gates' signature saffron color is everywhere: Park visitors sport scarves, lipstick, shoes and shirts in traffic-cone orange. Some wear goofy hats with a mini "gate" sticking up a foot above the head. People bring their kids, telling them it's a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle. Street vendors say they're doing boffo business.

True, there have been a few Bronx cheers:

• "This is a joke, right?" asked David Letterman's "Top 10 Most Common Questions About The Gates."

• "A psychedelic drive-through car wash," wrote New York Times city columnist Dan Barry.

• "They resemble ugly, cheap, plastic shower curtains, stolen from some $29-a-night motel," griped MSNBC anchorman Keith Olbermann.

But this is New York — everybody's a critic. So far, the raves outrank the rants.

The Gates, the latest mega-project of the famed environmental art couple, are 7,500 orange PVC gates, draped with orange fabric, marching down 23 miles of park pathways from the Plaza Hotel up to Harlem. They made their debut with ruffles and flourishes on Feb. 12 and will come down Sunday.

Halfway through the run, more than 1 million visitors had come to see them. The first weekend brought an estimated 450,000, double the number of visitors on a busy spring weekend, let alone in the middle of gloomy February. City officials expect The Gates to generate far more than the $80 million in economic activity predicted.

"Anybody who thinks it's an indulgence is a party pooper," says Jackson Gillman, 50, a comedian from Cape Cod, Mass.

Vilma Zuniga, 49, a teacher from Brooklyn, says it's "romantic. They should keep it up forever for lovers to walk through."

Ernest Zaraleta, 35, a finance manager from Dallas, just scratched his head. "I'm from Texas, and I'm trying to get somebody to explain it to me."

Public walking tours of the park, typically attracting 25 to 30 people each, have ballooned to as many as 140 during The Gates, says Robin Lynn, director of tours for the Municipal Arts Society of New York. "One group from California called me from the plane and said half the plane is coming to New York for Christo," Lynn says. "Is it a work of art? I don't know, but it sure is a happening."

Indeed, aside from its temporary nature, the major benefit from The Gates is the lively debate it set off about what is art. New Yorkers, of course, love a debate, especially when the experts don't agree: A New York Times critic called The Gates "pure joy." A Washington Post critic called the project "dull."

Olbermann, who has panned the gates almost nightly on his broadcast, Countdown, and on his blog, says he loves art, and he agrees The Gates are art. "But it's not good art," he says. "There are a lot of ugly things in New York. Why couldn't they wrap the Trump building?"
