View Full Version : propolene ?

02-11-2005, 11:52 PM
I just started using this yesterday :) has anyone else here used it or have you heard about it ? excatley how does it work? tia :D all I know is you can eat whatever you want and you don't have to excersise sp? which is fine by me. :D :D

02-12-2005, 12:02 AM
I havent used it but did a quick search...hope it works out for you, be careful :) :

Propolene Diet Pills
Propolene weight loss has become a very popular method of losing extra pounds. However, Propolene diet pills may be harmful to your health, and consumers should think twice before beginning supplementation.

Marketers are quick to cash in on the latest fads by bottling "miracle products" and charging a fortune for them. Unfortunately, due to the fact that dietary supplements are not regulated by the government, these manufacturers do not have to prove that these products work nor guarantee the potency or efficacy of their ingredients.

What does this mean?

It means there are an endless number of weight loss products and pills flooding the market...most of which don't work, some of which could cause serious harm to your health.

Propolene diet pills are no exception. It is simply a fiber pill that gives you a sense that you are bloated, causing you not to eat.

So how do you get the nutrients you need? You don't...there is not a single vitamin, mineral or herbal extract in the pill...Propolene diet pills have one ingredient - Glucomannan / PropolŪ, which is just a fiber that expands in your stomach, purportedly stopping fat absorption.

The other problem with Propolene weight loss is once you stop taking the pills, you could go right back to your previous weight, if not heavier, because you have altered the way your body metabolizes fat. So you either have to take them for the rest of your life, or suffer the consequences.

02-12-2005, 12:23 AM
I havent used it but did a quick search...hope it works out for you, be careful I promise :) thanks for the info

02-12-2005, 12:19 PM
I see red flags. Seems to me if the fiber swells and makes you feel full, you won't eat the necessary things like vitamins, minerals, etc. I seriously do think you can loose weight permanently by not exercising or eating proper nutrition which includes a variety of items. Sounds scary to me hon. Do be extra careful please. Don't want to loose you. Huggles, Nana

02-12-2005, 10:06 PM
Any 'miracle drug' that promises weight loss with no exercise is something to be leary of. Sure, it may work for a while, but it will never help you keep the weight off and could be potentially dangerous.

The healthy way to lose weight and keep it off is to change your lifestyle--this means food consumption (what you eat and how much) AND physical activity (as little as 20-30 minutes a few times a week could be all you need).

I wish you good luck in your weight loss...I know how hard it is myself as I am trying too. Just please be careful! :)

02-13-2005, 12:32 AM
thank you ladies for your concern I promise to be careful.

02-13-2005, 02:18 AM
I used to work for the company that processes orders for Propolene. The text we read was misleading and people were being billed outrageous amounts, they were agreeing to things they didn't realize.
People would call to complain, we'd give the customer service number we had (the CS number changed on a regular basis), people would call the number and get voice mail....no one would ever return their call, or cancel their 'auto shipment' membership.
One of the news shows (20/20 or Primetime) did a special on all these miracle diet pills last year......including Propolene. They went to the address the company gives as their corporate headquarters.......it was a residential home in NV where no one would answer the door.
I read something at the time about the possibility of suffocation if the pills expanded before they reached the stomach.
Just be very careful and keep an extremely close eye on your CC statement.

02-13-2005, 09:39 AM
I would not trust anything that said you could eat what you wanted, not exercise and still be able to lose weight. I just don't believe there is any miracle pill that would make that happen.

02-13-2005, 09:46 AM
Regular fiber pills would do the same thing right? I know that you have to drink alot of water when you take them or they will do like another post stated. They swell and you can't breathe. Not sure if they make you feel full or not.
I am going against the others here and am saying if you aren't afraid to try it then go for it. I would love to find a "skinny pill" and no exercise to make me lose weight. Though I truly don't belive there will ever be such a thing. I wish you luck and please becareful with it.

02-13-2005, 09:56 AM
The best weight loss plan is a modified diet that is low in saturated fats (no more than 30% of total calories should come from fat) and cholestorl, along with an adequate exercise routine. You may see results taking "diet" pills, but without exercise and proper diet; important vitamins, minerals, & other nutrients are lost. Muscle mass will only detoriate, not increase as it wuld with exercise. I would be leery of any fad diet or "diet" pill, as the moment you stop the diet or consuming the pill; the pounds come back and then some. You'd be better off following a diet low in saturated fat and cholestorl, along with an exercise plan that is best suited to your needs. Your doctor could recommend a dietician that could better address your needs and help establish a new diet to follow. Eating healthy and exercising is something all individuals should aspire to obtain! Good luck!

02-13-2005, 09:57 AM
The best weight loss plan is a modified diet that is low in saturated fats (no more than 30% of total calories should come from fat) and cholestorl, along with an adequate exercise routine. You may see results taking "diet" pills, but without exercise and proper diet; important vitamins, minerals, & other nutrients are lost. Muscle mass will only detoriate, not increase as it wuld with exercise. I would be leery of any fad diet or "diet" pill, as the moment you stop the diet or consuming the pill; the pounds come back and then some. You'd be better off following a diet low in saturated fat and cholestorl, along with an exercise plan that is best suited to your needs. Your doctor could recommend a dietician that could better address your needs and help establish a new diet to follow. Eating healthy and exercising is something all individuals should aspire to obtain! Good luck!
Excellent advice. Honestly.