View Full Version : Hey twinkiesmom!!!

02-06-2005, 10:40 PM
I'm craving something!!!

Can you guess what it is!!!


02-06-2005, 10:41 PM
uhhhh. Chocolate?

smirnoff? :D:D:D

I could use something cold. Oh hey, I want chips n salsa. Is that it?

gimme hints.

02-06-2005, 10:45 PM
Nope nope nope!!

Smirnoff would be excellent LOL But I don't have a sitter for int he AM. LOL

It's not that hard to guess!!


Jared knows.............you should too!! LOL

02-06-2005, 10:55 PM
lol. where by you is a 24hr subway???

lol mmmmmm. that does sound good. But I'm good now . .. . . gots me my little dish of ChiChi's salsa and some chi chi chips.

CRS here. I knew we played this game before but I couldn't remember what it was that was the eats.


02-06-2005, 11:03 PM
lol. where by you is a 24hr subway???

lol mmmmmm. that does sound good. But I'm good now . .. . . gots me my little dish of ChiChi's salsa and some chi chi chips.

CRS here. I knew we played this game before but I couldn't remember what it was that was the eats.


LOL I had to do it. I have been craving all day!!

I wish Subway was 24 hours, man that would be awesome, but then again hubby would not like it, cause I would be making him drive there late at night to get it LOL

CRS thats funny!! I was like what is that. LOL But then I was like oh ok hahahaha. LOL I'm a goof!!

Yeah we had subway last week it was awful, my sub was so hard it litterally crumbled in my hand. The girls working weres o rude, all the tables were gross and they screwed my order up so bad, it ended up going in the trash. They were worried about this guy sitting in a booth they wanted to talk to. One of the girls actually siad man I really hate it when people come in here. Well duh!!! You are working at a resturant........

But oh well, I am still starving for subway. LOL

I think I may have some Rootbeer and Ice, to curb my hunger LOL

I just wanted to say hey and I hope you are havng an awesome night!!

02-06-2005, 11:58 PM
I just wanted to say hey and I hope you are havng an awesome night!!

well tanx mon . . . . i see ya offline . . . hope u have a good one too.