View Full Version : Charmed 10:00 2/6 Centennial Charmed

02-06-2005, 08:17 PM
What did Paige tell Piper and Phoebe in the club?
Planned to find her own place

What did Leo reveal to Paige in the cemetery?
She was actually dead

Why did Piper and Paige initially visit the Manor?
Had to find a piece of Cole's flesh

What surpised Cole when he openened the sliding doors?
Friends had throwm him a surprise party

What was Piper's goal in the altrnative reality?
Avenge Prue death

What was Piper doing at the cementary?
Buring a demon's remains

What was Phoebe doing when Paige found her in the kitchen?
Smoking a cigarette

How did Cole react after Paige tried to vanquish him in his apartment?
Hurled her into the river

What was Piper doing when Paige returned from the alterante reality?
eating Ice Cream

Why did Paige throw the potion at Cole?
Phoebe stopped her

What did Paige tell Piper and Phoebe in the club?
Planned to find her own place

How did Phoebe help Piper prepare for her child?
Practiced breathing exercises

Why did Phoebe agree to stay married to Cole in the alternate reality?
To protect Piper