View Full Version : Charmed 3:00 2/6 "That 70's Episode"

02-06-2005, 08:11 PM
What did Piper and Prue see their young selves doing?
Fighting over a doll

What did Phoebe discover she had in common with Patty?
Were both klutzy

How did Nicholas prevent Patty from freezing him?
Handcuffed her

What did Piper and Prue discover upon meeting Patty at the diner?
Couldn't use their powers

What did Prue do to prove to Piper that they were in the 1970s?
Showed her eight-tracks and a Pet Rock

What DIDN'T Grams ask the Charmed Ones about to prove they were really her grandchildren?
Name of her childhood pet

Why was Phoebe reluctant to go back to the present day?
Didn't want to leave Patty

What did Patty suggest doing to defeat Nicholas?
"Un-blessing" his ring

What were the Charmed Ones surprised by upon arriving in the 1970s?
Their younger selves had powers

What did Patty reveal about Phoebe's name?
Came from her favorite aunt

What did Patty do to send the Charmed Ones back home?
Had young Charmed Ones cast spell

What did Patty grant to Nicholas?
Immunity to the Charmed Ones' powers