View Full Version : Help! My baby has gas. . .

02-04-2005, 07:42 AM
I just had a beautiful baby girl two weeks ago. . .her name is Komari Simone!

Anyway, my little one has been suffering from gas for the past week or so. . . I am breast feeding her, I have tried Mylicon and most recently I purchased Gripe Water (which has helped more than anything) but she still has gas and trouble sleeping as result of it!

Can anyone suggest any better solutions? I like the Gripe Water but she doesn't seem to like the taste. . .I am breast feeding her so I can't mix it in a bottle :( for her.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


02-04-2005, 07:49 AM
Congratulations on your new baby! My baby girl will be 2 months old on the 8th! Time flies!
Is she burping well? My mom taught me with my first to hold a baby with their belly against your breast--the heat helps with bellyaches. I would contact your pediatrician first and foremost, they are usually your best source of information.

02-04-2005, 07:55 AM
Congrats on your little one. My 2nd had gas problems when she was first born and I would lay her on my lap and gently pat her until the burp would come up , I would also gently bounce her(with full head support) while holding her upright against my chest and shoulder. That seemed to help her.
Definately consult with her pediatrician. That is such a pretty name by the way! Good luck!

02-04-2005, 07:58 AM
Simethicone drops always worked for DD, but it sounds like it isn't helping your precious one. Definately call your dr - could it be colic?

02-04-2005, 08:24 AM
Try laying the baby on the bed or floor on her back, grab her by the ankles & move her legs like she is riding a bike. this makes her tummy move & the gas will putter out of her. Also a hot water bottle , not to hot, wrapped in a towel, layed across her tummy may help some too. If her cord has healed , try a nice warm bath, that would relax her.

02-04-2005, 08:30 AM
i was going to tell yoi to give her peppermint water but seems like that is not an option.....do the feet touching her nose,roll her legs up and into her belly and this will help expell tht gas out and she will make some music for you......lol......it might take a little time but this will help to expel it out....my first born now 8 had this ,colic bad but you might make the pepermint water,tea and just give it to her on your finger or something.....do try the rolling it should help get that stuff out prayers and best wishes...it can be a little more than aggrevating if this is your first one,i know i thought i was going to pull my hair out but hang in there it will get better

lol....seems like the post above bet me to it....lol....dd deleted as i was typing it ....but it is something good so do tryit....

02-04-2005, 09:21 AM
Just remember, Mom, everything you eat, goes straight to baby, try to avoid spicy foods, and ones that might give her gas. In other words, go to a bland diet.

02-04-2005, 09:25 AM
congrats on the baby.........our new one is 12 days old now :) I hope that you figure out what works for her and she is feeling better soon

02-04-2005, 11:01 AM
Mylicon drops are what my Dr told me to use for Jsey. He is 8 months old now. Call you Dr. ask what he thinks. Tell him she is not sleeping because if it. I hope you get it worked out, I hate it when little ones are miserable. Poor baby!!

02-04-2005, 11:43 AM
Personally, I would change your diet first...things like chocolate, spicy foods (as the other posted) do affect your child. You can also check with la leche league ( I believe they have a website), your ped. or a lactition at the hospital for ok foods to eat!

Congrats on your baby and congrats on breastfeeding!!

02-04-2005, 01:02 PM
Personally, I would change your diet first...things like chocolate, spicy foods (as the other posted) do affect your child. You can also check with la leche league ( I believe they have a website), your ped. or a lactition at the hospital for ok foods to eat!

Congrats on your baby and congrats on breastfeeding!!
I agree with Freebeemomand Quaker Parrots...I breastfed and was told the same thing what you eat affects the baby...As many of the other posters have posted, the bike riding and pulling the babies legs up to the tummy helps as well as burping. My fav was putting them on my lap tummy to my legs and kinda bouncing them or patting them on the back. Both boys seemed to like that, even when they were to old to burp. Good luck and CONGRATS on the new baby.

Also congrats to the other new mothers that posted here. Youhave all been blessed. We BBSers would love to see pics.

02-04-2005, 01:50 PM
I had a great baby nurse with my first DD. She taught me to lay my baby on her tummy over my arm, with her cheek resting in my hand. Kind of like you would hold a football. Then rub her back. Make sure you're sitting-it's safer. Something about having baby over the length of your arm curled over it is soothing to them. And it helps them burp, too.
Congrats on your blessing! :D

02-04-2005, 02:15 PM
I agree with everyone. I used the drops,and the "bicycle legs". I also had to cut all dairy out of my diet, my babies were lactose intolerant,and it passed from me to them. Congratulations! Good luck!

02-04-2005, 04:26 PM
my son had really bad gas, heck he is 6 and still has horiible gas :eek:

I finally wound up massaging his stomach. I would just gently rub my fingers along his belly (it would be so tight and you could feel the gas just bubbling in there-lol) and kind of "move" the gas down. sometimes I would just hit the right spot and Poof, it would all come out... other times I would break up the gas bubbles and then do the bicycle trick. I read the massage trick in one of my attachment parenting books and it was definitely a life saver!


02-04-2005, 07:14 PM
Wal-mart carries a natural brand of "colic" medicine - my kids are 12 & 14 now can't remember the name - white and blue box, all natural - worked like a charm on my kids gas! I will look tomorrow and find th brand for you.

02-04-2005, 08:00 PM
Congrats on your new blessing!

Bland diet for Mom - no spices, onions, broccoli, cabbage, beans and the like.

Be certain baby burps well and the above advise.

Sending warm hugs and hope you get some sleep too.

02-04-2005, 08:54 PM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but try eliminating dairy from your diet. Don't eat anything that gives you gas. Something that helps my dd though is a good glass of Dr. Pepper. I don't drink pop at all. But if she seems to have a gas bubble that just won't go...I drink about 8 ozs of dr. pepper and then a few hours later nurse her and she burps...don't know how it works but it does. LOL. I don't like Mylicon drops, they never worked for my dd, I use the Gerber drops and Little Tummies.

02-08-2005, 01:08 AM
when mine were baby's i never heard of those gas drops but i had a terrible time with one crying & hurting from gas so as a last resort i used a baby's gycerine suppository and the gas blasted out , lol , i couldn't believe the air that came out of that little body !! lol