View Full Version : American Chopper 1/18 3900+ points (Lance Armstrong Bike Pt 1) REPEAT

01-19-2005, 04:36 PM
How did Paul help destroy Mikey's old car?
Threw propane tank at it

What did Vinnie do to Mikey's old car?
Drove it into the woods
Hummer H2

What did Paulie do for "inspiration"?
Put up poster of Lance Armstrong

What was Paulie most concerned about in building Lance Armstrong's bike?
Making it aerodynamic

Why couldn't Lance Armstrong meet with the team?
Was riding in tour de France

What did Paul say Lance Armstrong would do if he saw what was being done to his bicycle?
Have a heart attack (thanks maxim)
NOT Zipp
NOT Corima

What was Vinnie's main task in building Lance Armstrong's bike?
Giving seat enough support

Why did Rick have to go to the emergency room?
Got hand caught in drill press

What surprised Paulie about Lance Armstrong's time-trial bike?
Was lighter than expected

What caused Paulie to yell at Paul?
Showed up late

What did Paul say he was going to do after lifting a heavy bike frame?
Sit down for a while

What did Paulie say he would need to do to become Keith?
Spike hair

What did Keith convince Paulie to do after discussing the plans for the bike they were building?
Climb rock wall

How did Paulie come up with an idea for the handlebars?
Rode bicycle around lot

What did Paulie say was a big problem with customized bikes?
Pieces sometimes don't fit

What did Paul have a problem doing after receiving a package?
Cutting the bubble wrap

In a commercial during this show, what did a blonde woman sitting on a couch do while her family, including a son with a soccer ball, and dog made a ruckus in the background?
Spoke about DVD service
Unlimited movies for $17.99 a month with no late fees

In a commercial during this show, what did a man in an office, a man with curly hair in a diner, and a fireman say about the man with curly hair who had been in a car accident while on vacation?
Drove car into lake
State Farm
Treats you with care when you need help