View Full Version : CSI Miami 12/4 10:00 3600-3900+pts.

01-04-2005, 01:49 PM
What happened to the getaway car as it fled the scene?
*Hit curb

What did Alexx say gang members wouldn't do unless they had to?
*Go to hospital

What did Calleigh tell Jesse Navedo when she finished questioning him the first time?
*"I'll see you again."

What did Speed do to Ms. Seaborne in the parking lot?
*Handed her a diaper bag
*NOT Landrover

What did Ms. Seaborne do with her baby in the parking lot?
*Handed her to nanny

What did Ryan suspect Pamela Warren of doing to the baby?
*Attempting to suffocate her

What did Wolfe do for Pamela Warren when she was in the holding cell? *Bandaged her leg

What did Det. Tripp congratulate Ramon Morales on doing?
*Still breathing

What did Ana Garcia claim she was doing when Primero was killed?
*Making bed

What was Carmen doing when Horatio went to see Ana Garcia?
*Sitting in backyard

What did Horatio ask Ana Garcia to let him do?
*See her gun


In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss as words scrolled past on a red stripe set against a background made up of piles of pills?
*Treating arthritis pain
**NOT Bayer

In a commercial during this show, what was a curly-haired woman doing as she daydreamed about posing next to different colored cars as Aerosmith's "Dream On" played?
*Trying on dresses
**Buick LaCrosse
***Stylish design

In a movie commercial during this show, what did Michael Keaton do that caused him more trouble than he intended?
*Contacted the dead
**"White Noise"

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman with auburn hair do as she stood in a room and touched her face after she was shown getting a professional facial?
*Discussed what to use to smooth fine lines
**Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Facial Peel
***Has same results as professional treatment

What was the title of a new TV show, advertised during this program, that involved an FBI agent and his genius brother teaming up to solve crimes?

In a commercial during this show, what happened after black words appeared on a red background as coughing, sneezing, and sniffling were heard?
*Wave of blue liquid washed over word
**Tylenol Cold %26 Flu Severe Cool Burst
***Gives instant cooling sensation

In a commercial during this show, what did people do besides goof around in a kitchen and office, jump on a bed, and flirt outside a nightclub?
*NOT Sang along to music on radio