View Full Version : American Chopper 12/29 (Jet Bike Pt 1) 3900 pts REPEAT

12-30-2004, 04:34 AM
Thanks to OP ME :) and quill :)

What happened that disappointed Paul and Paulie?
Contest was cancelled

What did Paulie do by himself that angered the rest of the team?
Put on fender

Why did Paul Sr. say he wanted to keep working with Nub Grafix?
Started this thing together
NOT Nike

What did Paulie do two weeks before the contest?
Decided to add wheelie bars

What was unique about the Jet bike's fuel tank?
Had cockpit attached

What did Paulie discover when putting fenders on the Jet bike?
Had wrong dimensions

What did Paulie do to get creative ideas for the Jet bike?
Visited old war ship

Why did the crew take apart the Jet bike after assembling it for the first time?
Prepared it for painting

What difficulty did Paulie have with the handlebars?
Lining them up symmetrically

What did Paulie say some designers had done with their bikes at Laconia?
Rode them in rain

Which logo was shown on a cooler as Paulie talked about riding bikes in the rain?
Red Bull

Why did Paul decide to create the Jet bike?
Hoped to win contest

What issue did Paul have with Paulie about creating the Jet bike?
Bothered by his carefree attitude

What did Paul Jr. do before he fit the bent the handlebars for the Jet Bike?
Sprayed them down

What product did Paul Jr. use to spray down the handlebars?

What did Paul Sr. call the finished Jet Bike?

Which logo was on a toolbox behind Paul Sr. when he called the finished Jet Bike "incredible"?

What did Paul Sr. do after Paulie finished working on the fenders?
Asked about their length

What was the logo on Paul's t-shirt when he asked about the length of the fenders?
Harley-Davidson (thanks dmhile)

What was one of the dilemmas with the Jet bike's oil tank?
Had to resemble bomber plane

What did Paul and Paulie argue about while building the Jet bike?
How long it would take to create seat frame

In a commercial during this show, what did several people in the background do while a man sat in a chair with his laptop computer and mailbox on either side of him in front of a video store?
Tried to return movies on time
Have movies delivered and never pay late fees
