View Full Version : American Chopper 12/22 (David Mann Bike PT2) 3900+ pts REPEAT

12-23-2004, 04:30 AM
What did Paul want Mike to do so that they could start work on the handlebars?
Cut bolt

What did Keith Quill say that he normally relished doing?
Making people uncomfortable

What did Latisha Wood say that she was trying to do by etching into the frame's metal?
Create movement

What did Paul say was important about the colors in the painting?
Represented David Mann's style

What did Paul say was wrong with the exhaust pipes on the bike?
Hung down too low

What did Paul do after he stopped doing business with JB Grafix?
Gave the paint job to Ralph

What did Latisha Wood say they should do with the gas tank?
Look at it in sun

What did Latisha Wood say was one of her favorite parts of the job?
Working on oil tank

What did Paul, Paulie and Mike build a fire to do?
Burn trash

What did OCC decide to do for the ailing David Mann?
Build tribute bike

What did Paul say was the significance of the ride back from Daytona Beach?
Paid tribute to David Mann and Indian Larry

What did Paul say he and his crew liked about Biketoberfest in the past years?
Got to show their bikes

What did Paul do when he got angry with Latisha Wood regarding her work?
NOT stormed out

What did Mike say when Paul asked him if he had gotten gas for the fire?
Paulie’s got gas
NOT Everlast