View Full Version : American Chopper 12/20 7:00 4200-4500+pts (Mikey-Vinnie Bike Pt 2) REPEAT

12-21-2004, 07:21 PM
What did Paul say someone had to do to surprise him?
*Get up "early in the morning"

What did Vinnie say about Paul and Paulie fixing his roof?
*Was happy that they cared enough to do it

What did Keith do to punish Mikey for his tardiness?
*Sent him home for a day

What did Mikey do in an attempt to lose the nickname "shop idiot"?
*Worked on his lingo

What did Vinnie do with the chopper at the bike expo?
*Rolled it down ramp

Why did Mikey think baking the frame was the best part of the process?
*Had "nothing to do but wait"

What did Vinnie hope to do now that his roof was fixed?
*Spend more time with his family

What did Mikey say about working with Vinnie?
*Liked building bikes with him best

How did Vinnie say he dealt with the frustration Mikey caused him?
*Said nasty things he didn't really mean

What did Mikey say reduced his level of stress at the shop?
*Paul and Paulie were away

What did Mikey say was the reason he and Vinnie had to shelve a lot of their ideas?
*Didn't have enough time

What did Mikey exclaim after using the grinder?
*"I almost took my hand off"

What did Vinnie tell Mikey to do on Wednesday morning when he planned to get back to work?
*Sit and watch

What did Mikey do that angered Paul?
*Ate his cookies
What car company's logo was visible behind Paul when he learned that Mikey ate his cookies?
*Chevrolet --OR-- Snap-on

What did Vinnie say about the initial graphics logo?
*Would look better on a tee-shirt

What did Paulie say about Paul at his birthday party?
*Acted like "kid on Christmas morning"

What did Joe Malloy say about the motorcycle's engine?
*Would either "run well or explode"

What did Vinnie do while Mikey had the frame powder-coated?
*Picked up transmission

What did Vinnie do at the bike expo in order to learn how to fix the ignition module?
*Consulted manual

What did Mikey do while the frame was being treated?
*Put feet up on desk

What did Mikey do while the frame was being powder-coated?
*Put feet up on desk
*New Balance

What did Keith say to Vinnie about Mikey's tardiness?
*Wanted to "wash his hands" of it
What tool company's logo was visible when Keith said he wanted to "wash his hands" of Mikey's tardiness?