View Full Version : Law & Order SVU 12/14 10pm

12-14-2004, 11:40 PM
What did Cragen do after he saw Tandi on TV?
Told Stabler to arrest her

What happened to one suspect when he was recognized on the street?
Chased into traffic

What did Tandi's mother say her daughter had been doing at Hudson University?
Taking advance placement courses

What made Cragen upset about the newspaper headlines?
Thought Stabler leaked names

What did another girl do to Tandi after the trial ended?
Thanked her for bravery

What happened to Stabler after he was accused of talking to the press?
Chided by big brass

What did Tandi's stepfather tell the detectives he did to keep the press away from Tandi?
Sent her to her aunt's house

What reason did one cadet give for keeping quiet about the tape of the party?
Wanted to sell it

What did the store clerk do that seemed to discredit his story?
Recognized wrong picture

What did Benson do with Tandi to make her more comfortable?
Brought her to children's room

What did Novak do with Tandi just before the start of her trial?
Prepared her for cross-examination

In a commercial during this show, what did people, such as men and women in a town square holding white rectangles and a woman on a park bench, do as other people were seen at a costume party?
Captured photographs out of thin air
Take pictures and print them instantly

In a commercial during this show, what was a woman doing when she promised her two young children that if they behaved the whole time she would get them each a dog?
Shipping package
Is efficient

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman holding a baby do as she moved through different rooms of her house?
Stopped children from misbehaving
They keep going

In a movie commercial during this show, what happened to Jude Law, Natalie Portman, and Julia Roberts?
*Troubled by love affairs