View Full Version : Boston Legal 12/12

12-13-2004, 02:06 PM
What did Tara do after spilling her drink on a man at a bar?
Offered to pay dry cleaning

What did Alan do to Denny to keep him from attending a court hearing?
Placed weapon in his briefcase

What did Denny do after he told Alan he liked to keep Paul guessing?
Stuck cigar in ear

What did Denny do after telling Sally she was a beautiful woman?
Tried to give her a kiss

What did Brad do after Lori dismissed Tara from her office?
Loosened his tie

What did Alan suggest to Dr. Amanda Girade that they do together?
Run off to Bali

What did Denny tell Alan about the fishing lodge?
Not hoped to visit it soon

What did Dr. Amanda Girade say the experimental medication did to patients?
Destroyed their livers

What did Brad do after knocking a man with a bomb to the ground?
Opened his jacket

What did Denny do at the courthouse to postpone Alan's hearing?
Set off fire alarm

What did Marybeth Hewitt tell Alan her husband did regularly?
Smoked cigarettes

What did Denny tell Alan he did every year at the firm's Christmas party?
Played tune on piano

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do while driving an SUV with a brunette woman in the passenger seat and three children in the back while looking for a spot in underground parking lot?
*Entered into spooky netherworld
*Honda Pilot
*Guides you safely through rugged areas

In a commercial during this show, what did a young boy, after telling everyone he saw what he wanted for Christmas, do when Santa Claus asked him what he wanted before ornaments hung on a Christmas tree?
-Failed to say single word
-Buy two, get Santa ornament free

In a commercial during this show, what did a dog do after it chased a woman through a yard, over a car and fence, and up a tree in order to grab her jeans?
*Brought jeans back to man
*Attractive to everybody

In a commercial during this show, what did people in offices do while an announcer talked about deserving a gift "because you did two years of work in twelve months"?
*assembled computer equipment
*Office Depot
*Offers top 100 gifts for business

In a commercial during this show, what did a cell phone do to the words "ultra light & thin," "electroluminescent keys," and "it'll turn heads" as they appeared in silver letters on a blue background?
*Cut through them while spiraling downward
*Cingular Wireless
*Motorola Razr

In a commercial during this show, what did a gray-haired man in a black suit do against a purple background as the word "better" appeared on the floor and he walked around a giant purple object?
Talked about acid reflux
Get a free thirty day trial

In a commercial during this show, what did people do with coworkers and clients at their places of business as an announcer noted things such as "because she's the first one in, and the last one to leave"?
Exchanged gifts
Office Depot
Offers top 100 gifts

12-13-2004, 02:14 PM
In a commercial during this show, what was wrong with a woman who, after taking medication, was able to enjoy a day with a man during which they traveled by convertible to a jazz fest?
Suffered from heart condition
Protects against heart attack and stroke