View Full Version : American Chopper 12/7 7:00 (POW/MIA Bike) 3900+ points REPEAT

12-08-2004, 04:41 AM
How did Paul get the idea for building the POW/MIA chopper?
Inspired after talking with group of veterans

What was Paul's response when Mikey called him "nuts"?
You're not the first one to tell me that."

What did Mikey say about his attitude when he began working in the shop?
Had no interest in making bikes

What did Paul say he could do because he had Mike Campo and Rich working with him?
Focus on bike's "nuts and bolts" (thanks humminbird)

What did Rick say was an important design concern to Paul?
Wanted bike to look handmade

Why did Paul say he tried to be patient with Mikey?
Knew he was still learning

What did Mikey say after seeing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall?
Didn't sink in that every name was really a person

What part of the project did Paul need Mike Campo's help with?
Creating the rear fender design

What did Mikey appreciate about working with Rick?
Let him do basic fabrication work

What did Rick say he and Mike Campo could help Paul do?
Build bikes Paul saw in his head (thanks op betamax!)
NOT Mountain Dew

What did Rick say about Mikey antagonizing Paul?
Worried he'd go too far one day

What did Paul say when he saw Mike Campo's final POW/MIA design?
That’s gonna look hot
Mechanix Wear

What did Paul say about constructing the bike?
Preferred to build it by himself

What was Mikey doing when he said Paul was about to "bust a gasket"?
Trying to light torch
NOT Bosch

What did Mikey say about constantly bugging Paul?
Was half the fun of the job

What did Mike Campo say he appreciated about having the opportunity to help with the project?
Allowed him to use his artistic background

What did Paul say was the only thing that made Mikey happy?
Aggravating him
NOT Metapol

12-08-2004, 04:56 AM
What logo was visible on a tool cabinet behind Rick Petko when he said he and Mike Campo helped Paul build the bikes he saw in his head?

Red bull :o