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12-07-2004, 09:40 PM
Open presents for christmas???

We do santa on christmas morning then go to my moms
but the grandkids come here on christmas eve so we do them then.

12-08-2004, 03:11 AM
On Christmas eve, the boys get one presant to open, it is new PJs...lol...then we so "Santa" on Christmas morning. Rule at my house is if you no longer believe in "Santa" then all you get is clothes....kinda hysterical hearing my oldest say as rolling his eyes yes Mom there is a "Santa"...hehe.

12-08-2004, 05:10 AM
On Christmas Eve, my parents, my sister, her dh and kids and our family (my son, dh and me) get together and eat out then go to either her house or my parents' so the cousins can open their presents. My parents get theirs from my sister and her dh and exchange with them. My son is the only one who gets a gift Christmas Eve in our family! On Christmas Day my parents come down here (we live below them) and we all exchange presents, including whatever they got my son.

When we were kids, there were three of us, my sister, brother and I. We would always open the kids gifts to each other and maybe one more on Christmas Eve.

This Christmas Eve, my sister and her crew are coming over to Mom's and our place and we will cook dinner. We are tired of eatting out and having to spend a lot. It is also hard with 5 boys (ranging from 1-11 yrs. old) to have a nice quiet meal...lol...:)

I know a lot Germanic people exchange their presents on Christmas Eve, including my brother's fiancee.

12-08-2004, 05:40 AM
We do our Christmas here at home on Christmas day but its all kinda still up in the air with when we are gonna do it with my family because we wait to see when my brother will be up from Florida.

Angel Lips
12-08-2004, 06:04 AM
here we normally open one gift christmas eve and the rest on christmas morning. But because this year my mom works on christmas we will open all gifts on christmas eve, except for the ones Jon got me we'll open those christmas night.

12-08-2004, 06:58 AM
Always opened the gifts on Christmas morning.

12-08-2004, 07:02 AM
Christmas Eve with my parents. Gifts from Santa on Christmas morning, then We eat lunch with the in laws and exchange gifts there.

12-08-2004, 08:40 AM
On christmas eve we do the family thing and gifts between us and the kids. Christmas morning is santa presents. Christmas afternoon we go to my moms. Then the weekend after christmas DH's family has their family christmas. He has 7 brothers and sisters and getting together on christmas day is impossible :rolleyes: but on the brighter side, no one has anywhere else to go on the day we get together, so we can all spend a lot more time together :D

12-08-2004, 08:57 AM
LQQKs like January now.........lol

12-08-2004, 09:12 AM
We do everything on Christmas Morning. We get up with the kids about 7am, they open thier presents, we get the mess cleaned up, and straightened out. Then we go to my dads for a few hours, then off to my moms around 3 or so and finish our day up there.

My husbands parents live in Arizona, but my goal is next year to have christmas here early or late, then go to Arizona to have xmas with them.

12-08-2004, 09:45 AM
We have our kids open presents christmas eve and then christmas day we go out to my Dad's house and open up more presents and then we all have christmas dinner.

12-08-2004, 09:47 AM
See if you can keep up: ;)
Rodney's Grandma's house (i.e. his family) - open Christmas Eve 2:00

My Grandma's house (i.e. my family, mom's side) - open Christmas Eve 6:00

Rod, Cailyn and me - open presents from each other Christmas Eve 8:00

Cailyn - presents from Santa Christmas morning

Rodney's mom and dad; My mom, dad and brothers - come to our house Christmas morning 8-10 and we open from each other

My Aunt's house (i.e. my family, dad's side) - Christmas 12:00 family trivia game where we open presents (stealing game). Then, open presents from my granny (dad's mom) before we leave

12-08-2004, 11:18 AM
We are staying home for Christmas this year so things will be different.

When we went to WV for Thanksgiving I went ahead and took some presents in with me for some of our families. My in laws already opened theirs and the other people I took presents to are waiting until Christmas. My mom is coming up either this weekend or next and I'll give her the rest of the presents for my side of the family for her to take home and put under her tree.

I will be cooking our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve and we MIGHT let the kids open one gift. Christmas morning we will open the rest of the presents and play around with the kids, eat leftover from dinner and be lazy when we can. ;)

Happy Holidays Everyone! :D