View Full Version : Was I petty?

12-06-2004, 04:59 PM
Last year we purchased two animated reindeer for our front yard from Rite Aid (a local drug store). One of the items was marked less than what it rang up for. At each register there is a posted sign which says if the item rings up for more than the sales ad price, the posted price, the tag price (etc.), then you will get the item for free.

At first, the cashier just tried to give me the difference. When I pointed out the sign ON TOP OF THE REGISTER...he ended up giving me the item for free.

Very exciting, right?

This year, Rite Aid had these lighted churches which stood 5 feet tall. It is really pretty with a steeple and cross. I'd never seen anyone like anywhere else. They were listed at $59.99.

So...hubby and I go to buy one and there is this big display of them with a tag on it which reads $39.99!!! We are so excited...we're saving $20! Woohoo!!!

Well...the item rang up for $40.19!!! Hubby explains that the item was tagged $39.99. The cashier goes and checks and tells me that the tag expired the day before but that I'm right. He calls the manager. When I point out his sign to him he grumbles, "It's only 20 cents more."

My response, "So, what's your point? Are you saying that I'm being petty or that you shouldn't have to honor your posted policy?"

Needless to say...we got the church for FREE!!!

So...would you have insisted that you get the item for free???

12-06-2004, 05:13 PM
Yeah, I would have insisted that the item be for free. It was only 20 cents, but the sign says what it says for a reason :) They shouldnt have a sign like that if they are going to make a big fuss..even if its only a 20 cent difference, thats still not the price you thought it was. :)

12-06-2004, 05:13 PM
Absolutely. I don't let these stores get away with that crap, drug store, grocery store, department store, whatever. If they lose me as a customer because of false advertisement or they didn't honor their advertisement, so be it. I will take many customers with me, including the ones in line behind me.

12-06-2004, 06:31 PM
I agree w/ you. I would have done that same thing.

One time I got a grill for free because it was mismarked.

12-06-2004, 08:40 PM
You bet I would have! It's THEIR policy afterall! :) Good for you! :)

12-06-2004, 09:18 PM
Albertsons here has that policy either the item is free or it's $5 off your purchase (if said item is over $5) only good for one of each mispriced item. They had Ocean Spray white cranberry juice mismarked- rang up like $3.49 and the tag said $2.50. We got it free... the kicker was I went there with my (now ex) boyfriend's mom the next day and it was still marked $2.50- all the others flavors were $3.49 :confused: we took it up there and it rang $3.49 and she got it free too.

Urban Cowgirl
12-06-2004, 09:32 PM
What??? I missed something.....you guys broke up?? :confused:

12-07-2004, 05:56 AM
That's good if the store honors their policy. I think you did the right thing by complaining. They would easily take your extra money if they could!

12-07-2004, 12:03 PM
Thanks for your agreeing with me. A friend made a sarcastic comment about my actions and I hadn't thought I had done anything wrong.

The thing was that I didn't complain either time. I simply read their sign back to them and asked them if it meant something different than what I was reading. When they agreed that it did state that policy, I asked if they intended to honor it. I wasn't loud or anything. I really resented the manager's attitude.

In fact...I think I'll write Planet Feedback!!! LOL!

12-07-2004, 12:24 PM
I would have done the same thing you did -

12-07-2004, 12:43 PM
I agree, I would have insisted as well. Sadly, alot of people don't even look at their receipt. Quite a few years ago, I was buying baby food, the jars were 4/1.00 (tells you how long ago) they were ringing up at .40 each. I had bought a bunch of jars, and had all three kids with me in the store, and I just wanted out of the store. You know how that is, so I didn't notice til I got home. I had to fight the store to refund my money, I have rarely shopped at Albertson's since. Since then, I always watch the register as it is ringing up, and double check my receipt. You would be suprised at how many items have transposed numbers with the wrong amounts keyed in. All stores should honor their policies. Like it or not, they are there for a reason.

12-07-2004, 03:01 PM
I agree I would have complained also, because too many times the stores do it on purpose!!! I saw something on 20/20 about K-mart that when the ad was placed they went in on Sunday bought something it rang up wrong she told the cashier they said they would take care of it. By Thursday it still hadn't been fixed. Stores like K-mart hope that for every person who catches the mistake that at least 5 people won't catch it. Which is annoying!!! The other day I went food shopping and I always read signs and watch them ring up etc. I picked out frozen food that said it was $1.69 for all FAmily Encore. When it rang up some came up $1.89 I asked why they said that only certain ones were $1.69 I said the sign doesn't say which ones how am I suppose to know which ones are on sale??? She said this time I can give it to you but not next time, I told her are you going to remove the sign or change the sign to reflect what items are $1.69? She said I guess so. They still have not changed the sign. SEE????

12-07-2004, 03:20 PM
Legally, they can do whatever they want. *sigh*

I have this gripe with Wal*Mart, all the TIME.

Many items there rings up wrong, if it rings up wrong, I either pay more, or don't get the item. Such a hassle.
It's just so annoying "is it really the right price" I constantly wonder to myself.."well it says it's this price...sound too good...prolly isn't.."


12-07-2004, 04:17 PM
Reminds me of when we were at Best Buy last Friday. My brother showed my DH some playstation 2 wireless remotes. Normally like $31.00, sign said $14.99. What a deal. They each got one. We got up to the register and the girl said "oh no, those arent the ones." My brother was like I just read the sign and they are the right ones. He walked back to the section they were in , got someone and showed them the sign. The guy immediately ripped the sign down and said it was a mistake. My brother was like well the sign clearly states..... so dont you have to sell them to me for that. The guy said yes. So DH was going to grab another one and the guy piped up "oh no, I will only give you two total for that price!" As if it was coming out of his pocket. So they did get a good deal but then I had to listen to DH grumble on the way home about how he should have gotten a couple more of them (for gifts), since they had to sell them to him for that price.

Durning this ordeal I was still standing at the check out with the light flashing so ppl would know we were waiting on something but wouldnt you know it a TON of ppl still proceeded to get in line behind me and got angry that we were just standing there. The cashier made the comment "boys and their toys" lol, I agreed but I also knew that they still had to give them to us for that price LOL , and they did.

OH OH OH ..... so YES, I would have done the same thing!! NOT petty. They hang the sign , they need to honor it. :p

12-07-2004, 06:30 PM
You did the right thing. Stores have to honor the sign. Now from the retail out-look.

Make sure you have read the sign right. I often have people come to the register insisting something was marked as a sale item. Yesterday a woman insisted our sign said ALL boxed holiday cards 50% off. I gave it to her, only to find out it was in the marked bins, not the bin that she had taken from, which had no sale tags.

Our sale prices go into a central computer on Sat. nights, as the sales start on Sundays. Sunday the department heads scan every sale item to make sure it comes up right. If a sale sign was left up we send someone to check. We sell it at the sale price and pull the sign.

12-07-2004, 08:03 PM
LOL at first I thought I read..."Was I pretty" LOL it's one of those nights...but about the story!! YOU were right!!

12-08-2004, 04:08 PM
LOL at first I thought I read..."Was I pretty" LOL it's one of those nights...but about the story!! YOU were right!!

Actually...I've since gotten a haircut and am much prettier...LOL.

12-08-2004, 04:16 PM
Legally, they can do whatever they want. *sigh*

I have this gripe with Wal*Mart, all the TIME.

Many items there rings up wrong, if it rings up wrong, I either pay more, or don't get the item. Such a hassle.
It's just so annoying "is it really the right price" I constantly wonder to myself.."well it says it's this price...sound too good...prolly isn't.."


Maybe it is like that in MO...but it California, it is called "bait and switch" and IT IS ILLEGAL!!

Companies receive stiff fines for doing such a thing.

Now...if an item is erroneously left in the wrong area, usually by another customer, than that's another issue.

But in this instance, there was a tag stuck on a pyramid of these yard decorations. The SKU number on the tag matched the item.

Also, as I stated in my original post, the company has their policy framed and posted on the top of EVERY REGISTER so that the customer can see it.

If they don't honor this posted policy, it is considered false advertising which is also illegal and subject to fines...at leastin California.

But, thanks for everyone's comments. I guess I was the most hurt by my friends comments because he implied that I was cheap and petty for my being assertive of twenty cents!

It wasn't the money...it was the principle of the entire thing.

12-08-2004, 04:22 PM
more power to you! If people insist upon the store complying to it's posted policy then so be it, perhaps the store will be more aware of such mistakes. To me, nothing petty about it, well done!

12-09-2004, 12:06 AM
Haha! Good for you! I don't know if I would have been brave enough to do it! :rolleyes:

I do have to watch Wal Mart all the time though, they are awful. I got so sick of paying extra, that I don't let them get away with anything now! For example, I buy bottled water because the local tap water makes me sick. The cheapest way is to bring in your own bottles and refil them.

Well, they were charging me for new bottles, instead of refills all the time, and they charged the price for a new bottle, and the charge to fill it up! I never noticed till I was home. So finally I remembered to watch when I bought a new bottle, she charged me the new bottle price, plus the price of a refill. I asked why she charged me double, and she said "The price on the sign is just for the bottle, you still have to pay for the water also." I said "No, the sign CLEARLY says the price is for the bottle filled with water." So I had to stand there, holding up the line, over a $0.66 discrepancy, while someone went to check it out. SO, I guess they just TELL thier employees to rip you off, because that is how everyone tries to charge me there! And it's not a new sign or price or anything, it has always been that price.

But you have to stand up for yourself, because even a $0.66 discrepency is $0.66 that they are basicly stealing from you. :mad:

12-09-2004, 07:15 AM
I would have done the same thing.