View Full Version : anyone here know the different type of palm pilot type thingies and mp3 players?

11-24-2004, 03:25 PM
i am doing a bit o research into the cost of these 2 items, at this point i carry around all my cd's and a personal cd player. the battery life sucks, and it's way to bulky..hence going shopping for MP3 players. mind i won't be getting the items for several months to a year, but..better start now so when i SEE a decent price i can jump on it.
so..an mp3 player. now 20gb seems a bit much for me, i would be ok, say 500mg or 5 gb on the lil beast, , so, what is the best out there? and the best price? (cheap ~vs~ quality ) if i can find both? i'll be in heaven! :D

now, the only reason i am looking into a palmpilot/pocket pc, is that i want to be able to take it with me to read books. yeah, geek central i know, but i read so much, and i'd like to be able to download my fave fan fic, and put em into sommat like this to take with (least till i get a printer) now, i used to have microsoft reader an loved it, on my pc here at home i use Ybook, love that program because i make the background black, and the print larger and electric blue color as well as my personal fave font Tahoma! :D. so much less stress when reading.
so..any sugestions on what's out there? once again cost VS quality.
thanks for your time!!
Ciao !

11-24-2004, 03:38 PM
Er Dell has an MP3 player called a "DJ" they're really cute.. couldn't tell you on the cost though. My boyfriend has an old MP3 player he offered to give to me.. if you want I'll ask him about it.

11-24-2004, 03:50 PM
Dh has a Sony atrac that I won from a contest($199) but they do sell different ones for less (cheapest I have seen is $55) you can put up to 490 songs on one disk. I think you would be better going that route than an ipod.(he loves his atrac, and says he is glad I won that instead of the ipod, cause he can still play regular CD's on it too) here is the link to all of the Sony's http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_BrowseCatalog-Start?CategoryName=pa_connect_portablecdplayers&Dept=pa

So far as a Palm, you want to get one that has expandable memory, and a rechargeable battery. (color optional, depending on your preference) but definately get one that is backlit, that is a main priority in my book.

11-24-2004, 03:53 PM
sure. i just need something smaller, better/longer battery life. cuase no offense to folks's personal taste in music? but um, why must they have the base going so loud i can hear the rattling fo teh bolts holding the vehicle together? is that healthy? wise? considerate of others? nope. <--*LOL* pet peeve of mine.*
when picking up my daughter , i do my homework in teh car while i wait, it is so distracting to have someone go down the street stereo blaring....totaly derails my train of thought but, put the headphones on? and i am so very good ta go! the music helps me get the work done faster because i have less/fewer distractions. :D ty. any an all help is appreciated. could you ask him what he consideres to be the best for the $$? for either item? *HUG* thanks for your time!

11-24-2004, 04:03 PM
expandable mem, backlit *brilliant!!* & rechargable batt. gotcha! TY for the link, i looked at walmart.com, and while they looked nice? 2 million hours of music nonstop, just isn't what i need! y'know? and frankly the ipod commercials have annoyed me to no end.. so..not realy looking to invest in one of them.
well, i looked at the site(Sony), and they look awesome, decently priced as well. i shall have to think onnit. i mean i was rather hoping to get away from carrying sommat large like a cd player.. wonder how big it actualy is? i mean i could see using the minidisks...that
d be smaller...yeah?
well, ty for the info once again folks!