View Full Version : I got a Helen paul print in frame for $5 today!!

11-21-2004, 12:04 AM
:D Today at yard sale parking lot sale..I got a Helen paul print (the cactus bloom) in a pastel (mauve/pink) very nice frame for $5 and the person that sold it to me says..Let me tell you what your getting..She goes on to tell me that she originally wanted $30 for the print and frame! And she said that why she wanted so much was because underneath the print was a hand painted picture worth $250..She never told me what picture was under the print but said it was my lucky day! She is a art teacher that worked at the christian school that was having the parking lot sale among others there. (I was thinking the starving art salesperson) I didnt really think anything of it but didnt want to spend much so i offered her $5 and she took it! I got home and looked up the print on www.allposters.com and seen the print alone is worth $24.99 not counting the frame..I started getting excited about my score then!
And iam really wanted to take the print out to see what the painting is but dont want to mess up the frame and print taking it out!! the print was put in a very tight mounted art frame..Just wanted to share! if you want to see the print got to www.allposters.com and put in item number 55124 in search! its very pretty ..when you see the print here doesnt even do the print justice

Oh does anyone else collect helen paul and brent paul .. prints like i do!! :D

11-21-2004, 12:31 AM
The 250 dollar pic underneath sounds fishy. Why would she let it go for 5 dollars. Maybe you could take it to a frame shop and see if they can look under the print. They may not be able to without damaging the top pic though so get their opinion. Kinda strange to me. :confused: Glad you like the top pic though and got it for such a bargain.

11-21-2004, 12:33 AM

11-21-2004, 08:21 AM
janelle!! Iam thinking the art teacher that sold it to me painted the picture that is under the print in the frame and that she felt it was worth $250 because she painted it! because she may have sold paintings for that price..Who knows! lol!! before the day is done i bet i take it apart just to see what it is! ill post what i find! The frame itself on the back has a tag and says...
Diversified Art
southwestern and fine art reproduction
3855 East 42nd stravenue

then there is a stamp imprinted on the back and says and signed...

artist H. Paul
title cacti blooms
dimension 20 1/2 x 27 1/2

11-21-2004, 10:40 PM
Ok!! I didnt get to take a peek inside the picture frame to see what the painting is yet! Was busy all day helping hubby and his boss and several of hubbys friends build a fence around our acre and quarter of land today! loads of fun! I was mostly a gopher..you know go for this, go for that and get this and that to help lol! Then spent most of the evening grocery shopping for next week!

Janelle!! thanks for posting reply for me! seems not to many are interested iam surprized! My whole family from my sisters to my nieces and myself collect prints of various artists..However! I get them and fall in love with them and dont never give them up! :eek: My nieces and there husband buys prints and then resells them when they are at there peek value to make a profit.

I also collect My county fair poster prints! Have for years,some of them are beautiful where others are comical Its a nice hobby among many of mine! :eek: :D

11-21-2004, 11:57 PM
That's neat. How do you find out what to buy and when to sell them?

11-23-2004, 12:37 AM
Well!! Dont have much details on that!! Because for myself i have never sold a print just collect them! :D But my sister and her daughter and hubby live in vegas and they buy prints hold onto them for a certain length of time till the value goes up then possible put them at certain art gallaries for sale. One of my nieces owns a craft store in nevada so my guess would be that she places some of her moms and sisters prints in her store for sale from time to time too! I havnt gotton in touch with them lately in regards to this!! my bad! but i hear through the grape vine..my mom lol! ;) that they have sold a print for profit throughout the years!! but who our there sources i wouldnt know this! but ill find out from my grapevine..my mom! :eek: and let you know!