View Full Version : Anybody have a french onion soup recipe?

11-16-2004, 12:33 PM
A friend got a great deal on a bag of onions and gave me a bunch. So I'm thinking french onion soup. Does anybody have any recipes? TIA. :)

11-16-2004, 01:08 PM
Serving Size : 5

Amount Measure Ingredient
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 pound Onions -- sliced
1 ounce Butter
1/4 tablespoon Olive oil

1/3 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Flour
1 tablespoon Sugar

1/4 teaspoon Black pepper
1/4 teaspoon Thyme
1/8 teaspoon Sage
1 whole Bay Leaves
1/3 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1/8 teaspoon Tobasco Sauce

2 cups Chicken Stock, Strong
1 quart Beef Stock, Strong
1/2 cup Red Wine
2 tablespoons Brandy

5 slices French Bread Slice -- toasted
5 ounces Gruyere Cheese -- sliced

[1) Saute Onions in Butter & Oil in a large stock pot. Do not stir too often or onions will get mushy and will not brown.

[2) When Onions start to brown, add SALT and SUGAR.....Continue to brown.....cook until dark golden brown.

[3) Add FLOUR and cook 5 minutes...

[4) Add Seasonings and Liquids, Simmer for 45 minutes.
Adjust for flavor.

Fill soup bowl with soup, top with toasted bread slice, then with Gruyere cheese slice, and brown under broiler.

11-16-2004, 01:18 PM
Thank you!

11-16-2004, 02:08 PM
Might I also suggest that if you have alot of onions you can dice them up and put them in baggies and seal, and then pop them in the freezer. Put enough in each bag that you would normally use when cooking a meal. It sure saves the hassle of dicing while cooking.

I will buy a 50 bag of onions at the market and put most of them in the freezer this way. Of course I use my food processor to dice them up, that makes it a whole lot simpler.

Just a sugestion

11-16-2004, 02:25 PM
Great idea. I didn't even think about freezing them. Thank you!

11-16-2004, 05:00 PM
The "X" Law Student.. in her real life, a BONIFIDE CHEF, that's me can tell you the very best way to make French Onion soup..none of the stuff above,l earned this and BURNED this with over 50, yes 50 pounds of onions..more than once in FRANCE among alot of LAUGHING Thier Hienies off at me..
You can use a teflon bottomed pan if you want doesn't really work the same, but about the same result's..
If you can managed to slice these babies about the same size all the better..Some ground facts: If your items, the onions are about the same size, the will cook down about the same rate of time, and use REAL butter or if you happen to have some duck fat around that is best, it tolerates the most heat..and lastly ONIONS will break down to a MONO saccaride..(DANG I WISH I HAD SPELL CHECK), actually means, it breaks down into sugar..that is what is gonna make it sweet and savory..
Take as many onions as you can fit into the pan, dump it out, add in the butter, depends but a few tablespoons should do it.. as Onions are mostly water based and I might add a a tiny bit of olive oil here, as butter burns faster..melt the butter add in all the onions, and keep it medium, if you are starting to burn..lower the heat, and let these simmer, and simmer..and the onions break down and if they...when they get kinda sticky that is good they are carmelizing, if and when this happens, pull the onions to the side and here is a TRICK have handy some water, and splash that water on the kinda BURN, and scrape it up, don't let it burn for an hour..that will ruin it, this is kinda a PARTICIPATION soup..what is happening is the essence of the onions are becoming a sugar, and this process can take an hour, or so..and keep pushing the onions around from time to time, and let them get brown and when you have kinda a mess of rich smelling and looking onions, let it go further and use the water, to keep bringing up the essence.. and even if you think it is burned if the heat says even, you haven't, don't do this on high heat, rather a medium when you get to a light or dark choclolate or where ever you feel it good taste these, they should be sweet and some salt to check...add in if you want a bit of white wine and then add in water, you could use some boullion or chicken base, just some..and fill this to about the top of the onions and simmer that, you should have a RICH onion broth, add some salt and pepper, adjust, the seasonings, if you get this right, you have made exactly French Onion Soup..exactly..dont forget to make the croutons and gets some Swiss or gruyere cheese..this is a real recipe that takes patience but is so worth is and you can charge $8.95 or better a bowl..
This is a real FRENCH CHEF/Julia Child, rest her soul recipe, takes patience but you will love it..
Cost..basically ZILCH..your time?? PRICELESS...
Just threw that in..

11-16-2004, 05:28 PM
Thank you!

11-16-2004, 08:38 PM
mmmmmmmmm! it sounds so good, when should I be there for dinner? ;)

Urban Cowgirl
11-16-2004, 08:55 PM
I love outbacks french onion soup.....either of these recipes taste similar to theirs?

11-16-2004, 09:28 PM
mmmmmmmmm! it sounds so good, when should I be there for dinner? ;)

Well, you're only a few hours away so I can let you know when I get it just right.