View Full Version : recipe help

11-03-2004, 03:57 PM
do you know how or what i need to make this casserole, i dunno what it is called and i dunno what all it has in it
i know it has
and is topped with bread crumbs
it might have meat in it also.

did i totally lose ya?

11-03-2004, 04:18 PM
LOL, at my house this is called slop, not trying to offend but it is what my kids nicknamed it years ago, and it has stuck. I use hambuger, macaroni, tomato sauce, garlic, canned tomatoes and mozzerella cheese. brown hamburger, boil mac, mix all ingredients together and pour into casserole and top with cheese. warm at 350 till all flavors are merged and the cheese is melted.

hope this is something like what you were looking for.

11-03-2004, 04:57 PM
lol~it's good whatever it is!

11-03-2004, 04:58 PM
have you ever topped it with bread crumbs?

btw it sounds like what i'm talking about~

11-03-2004, 09:58 PM
well i am glad it is what you were looking for. yes i tried that, but i have weird kids, they didnt care for the topping so long ago i gave that up.