View Full Version : American Chopper 11/1 (Scooters) 10:00 REPEAT 3900+ pts

11-02-2004, 04:42 AM
Thanks to OP ME and dmhile

What did Paul and Paulie do in Washington D.C.?
Rode in parade

What did Paul comment about Vinnie when he failed to show up for work on time?
Had caught a case of "Paulie-itis"

What did Paulie suggest Paul do to help?
Get your hands dirty"

What did Vinnie do while Paul and Paulie argued?
Finished fender

What made Rick leave the shop?
Had to search for missing screws

What did Vinnie say he liked about scooters?
Could do “wheelies”

What did Paulie and Justin Barnes do to get ideas for the motorcycle's design?
Looked at movie storyboards

What paint supply company advertised on a banner behind Paulie and Justin Barnes as they looked at movie storyboards?
NOT Binks

What did Paulie say he did before beginning design on the motorcycle?
Conferred with Will Smith

What movie did Paulie mention when he said he conferred with Will Smith?
I, Robot

What did Paul and Mikey do to get away from the shop?
Cut down trees in woods

Which idea of Paul's was rejected?
Putting on a rear fender

What did Mikey do when Vinnie was late for work?
Messed up wiring on bike

What did Paul say about Paulie's praise of the bike's chrome finish?
You say that every time

What did Mikey say he'd always wondered what it was like to do?
Walk down red carpet

What logo was displayed at the movie premiere as Mikey said he'd wondered what it was like to walk down the red carpet?
Blue from American Express

What did Vinnie suggest doing after realizing there was a problem with the motorcycle frame?
Building scooters instead

What did the team do to make the gas tank fit on the frame?
Removed washers from bolts

What was identified as "an OCC mystery"?
Gas cap was missing

What did Paul, Paulie, and Mikey do with the finished motorcycle?
NOT donated

11-02-2004, 10:06 AM

In a commercial during this show, what happened as the words lust, envy, wrath, and pride appeared in white lettering as an electronic beat played in the background?
* Interior and exterior of car was shown
* NOT Infinity

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman wearing white do while sitting in various rooms decorated completely in white?
* Discussed shopping
* Overstock.com
* Save on thousands of items

In a commercial during this show, what happened inside an auto supply store after a green car pulled up to it?
* Employees helped customers
* AutoZone
* Offers parts and advice you need

In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss as people, such as a young man in bed, a farmer and a businessman, used wireless devices?
* Company expanding services
* Cingular Wireless
* Make wireless phones more versatile and powerful