View Full Version : Salem's Lot 10/30 3900+ points

10-31-2004, 02:52 PM
What did Mark do to prevent Danny from entering his room?
Burned him with cross

What did Father Donald Callahan do at the church after leaving the Marsten House?
Filled bottles with holy water

What did Eva do in her youth for the owner of the Marsten house?
Wrote letters for him

What did Matt do after finding Mike dead in his home?
Called Ben

What did Ben and Father Donald Callahan do that put them in the hospital?
Fell out window

What did Charlie accuse Mark of doing?
Selling pot on bus

What did Ben do to Susan by holding a crucifix to her cheek?
Sent her through ceiling

What were Ben and Eva doing when she told him she was getting married?
Standing in kitchen

What did Kurt say he was doing in the dump in the middle of the night?
Watching the fires

What did Ben do to get Mark to fall asleep at the hospital?
Gave him sedatives

What did Ben do to Jimmy after Susan bit him on the neck?
Gave him shot of medicine to chest

What did Mark do to escape the Marsten House?
Jumped out window

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do on a country road and beach, in a snowdrift and diner, and on a street followed by a boy who mimicked his actions?
Talked on cell phone
Verizon Wireless
Has fewer dropped calls than any other network

10-31-2004, 04:42 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did groups of costumed children do on a front stoop as a woman held a bowl and before an announcer discussed a sale?
Rushed through door
Two bags of candy for $3

In a commercial during this show, what did two blonde children do while performing such activities with their mother as riding in a car and going to the store while appearing against colorful backgrounds?
Watched portable video disk players
Playskool VideoNow Jr.
Can go anywhere and is durable

10-31-2004, 07:56 PM
In a black-and-white commercial during this show, what happened as scientific equipment was shown next to a fire detector and an announcer discussed Halloween specials at a store?
Thunder and lightning rumbled
Participate in buy two get two free deal

In a commercial during this show, what did three women relaxing on couches and three women sitting out by a pool do as an announcer discussed sharing memories with friends?
Toasted one another
Helps make memories

In a commercial during this show, what did a young man do while assisting his father, who stood on a ladder, with a ceiling repair?
Spoke about his future plans
U.S. Army
Find out about becoming a soldier