View Full Version : Any spooks where you live?

10-22-2004, 05:00 AM
Look it up here. :p There are a few where I live. There's one listed that my husband told me about, one of the old hotels that's suppose to be haunted. I'd love to go stay a night, just to see for myself, but it's at least $150 a night.. so it won't be anytime soon. :rolleyes:


10-22-2004, 06:10 AM
They have 4 listings of things in the town I live in. :eek: lol

10-22-2004, 06:46 AM
Talk about a ghost story, :eek: If this doesn't give you nightmares.....

Amelia Island - Old Jail - Luc Simone Aury was the ******* son of a pirate named Luis Aury. He was a renowned scoundrel and wanted for many crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery to name a few. Upon his capture, Aury was sentenced to hang in the gallows behind the jail. As word spread, a huge crowd gathered to witness the execution of this famous criminal. The night before the hanging however, Aury managed to slit his own throat in effort to deprive the city of his humiliating spectacle. A surgeon was summoned to crudely stitch him up just enough to keep him alive until the execution. With his collar buttoned to hide the wound, he was drug up the steps on his appointed day. When the trap was sprung, the stitches ripped open, nearly decapitating him. Blood spewed into and all over the crowd. Women fainted, men screamed, and children were trampled as the crowd fled in terror. Aury can be heard moaning where the old gallows used to be. On rare occasions, his ghost will appear with a gaping slash across his neck covered in blood.

We have statues of him around town, along with other pirates. This island used to be a pirate hangout. We've always embraced our outlaw heritage. :eek:

10-22-2004, 07:02 AM
hells gates - Some say that if you go under all three bridges and under the third bridge you might see the devil. If the Devil has his back to you then you will have a good life but if he is staring you in the face the rest of your life is doomed. Others say that if you see your name under the bridge the next day you are suppose to die. Its a great place to go for a scare.

- The Golf Course - apparitions are said to appear but not confirmed. Pictures produce orbs. Every night there is said to be a kid named Alex that roams around the 6th hole of the Country Club Golf Course. One night Alex was drinking with his friends and passed out and died. Now people say that every night if you go out there around 12:00 A.M. You might see Alex roaming around but you will definitely hear Alex vomiting and screaming for help. This is at the Country Club.

- Highland Lawn Cemetery - Just the old story of Stiffy Green. Supposedly Stiffy (a dog) and his dead master can be seen walking in the cemetery at night.

- Historical Museum - Witnesses claim to have Caught many things on film here. Everything from orbs to a small mist. The arbs seem to center around the old front staircase. The building was used as a halfway house for several years by the 3rd owners of the property. It is now used as a historical museum. Supposedly the old crib in one of the upstairs exhibits moves occasionally even though the area is closed off.

- Indiana State University - Burford Hall - the ghost is Barb, a young woman who died of alcohol poisoning in the residence hall. Students have often reported hearing Barb vomiting and/or crying in bathroom stalls. Also, there have been reports of strange happenings like sounds, whispers, things moving and things of that sort.

- Indiana State University - Cromwell Hall - a white cross under the window is seen on the 12th floor where the man jumped, on the west side of the building in room 1221. Now you can hear footsteps and strange noises in the hallways.

- Old Mill Dam - Use to be part of the Under Ground railroad. It is very haunted at night. Certain nights stuff happens, a report of a small girl stands near the creek. They used to have the Underground Tunnels open but they are closed now. If you are in Terre Haute and go to Old Mil be careful. You might get a surprise.

Spook Light Hill - A ghost of a father looking for the head of his daughter. A car flashes it's headlights three times and a light can be seen coming down the road and "scanning" the area.

Hells Gate -This train trestle is host to several strange phenomenon. On some nights, if you stop your car, you can hear the sound of people laughing and screaming, laced with a crashing noise. Legend states that the sounds echo a past tragedy that involved a train derailment, killing many people.

Here's what near me--I took out the locations though...

10-22-2004, 07:04 AM
Where we live now:
Gwinnett - Lawrenceville - Clayton St. Funeral home - built in 1905(ish) originally a four room funeral home, converted to residential in the 20's, is home to 2 "suicide" victims who have been seen roaming the grounds. Electrical devices are strangely affected, doors and windows open and close on occasion, and "ghostly" figures have been seen by multiple persons. Don't linger on the street too long.

Where I'm from:
Greenville - Children's Graveyard - A graveyard behind a gas station near Furman U., mainly for children. Tombstones range from the late 1700's to late 1800's. Lights, laughter, running sounds.

Greenville - Embassy Suites - Lights turn on and off at random. Doors fly open. During construction (Which was halted for almost 2 years when investors pulled, after staying on the grounds and then leaving abruptly.) many reports were sent in to Greenville police department that someone was staying in the rooms because the lights were on in the building. No electricity was on in the building at the time. PD responding to repeated calls secured the area- and still received complaints. The Golf course has three places that will NOT grow grass. Wailing noise has been heard on the course, followed by foliage disturbances.

Greenville - Old Tuberculosis Hospital - Update: also known as Devil's Castle - Has since burned down - Reports of footsteps that break into a run, then screams, on the first floor. On the third floor feelings of being pushed accompanied by loud clattering in the hall and items moving, and apparitions. (the most terrified I've ever been was in front of this house back in the 70s)

Greenville - Route 107 - this is a ghost of a young man named Larry Stevens (commonly known as The Hitchhiker) who's plane crashed on Route 107 during the 1950's. People have seen a man on dark and rainy nights walking along Route 107 and disappearing.

Taylors - Devenger road?- It is said that on Halloween night a woman stopped on the bridge to get her kids something out of the trunk. A truck came and didn't stop in time and knocked the car off the bridge and killed the woman and her kids. If you go to the bridge and put your front two tires in the hump, something will push you out of it and up the hill. You will roll back about a foot and stop on the hill. People say it is the woman trying to push you to safety.

Taylors - TB Asylum then a work release prison - Located near the Shrine Club. Built in 1929, it was made for people to come who had the TB diseases. Then later became a Work Release prison for the state and county. It was shut down in 1993 and abandoned for possible political reasons. If you go in (not recommended unless you get permission) items can be thrown in your direction very violently. It has happened every time I have went in. Never known of anyone being hurt though. There is no explanation of who or what does this.

Poinsett Bridge - Old Hwy 25 North http://greenvilleonline.com/news/2004/01/03/2004010322008.htm - Northern Greenville County near the state line. Old rock bridge that used to be the only roadway between Greenville and Asheville. The bridge is closed to auto traffic but is road side and accessible by fogt. Rumor has it that a slave was once hung under the bridge and his ghost still haunts it. Several of the locals say that they have been unable to start their cars when they got ready to leave. Several locals also report that they hear a loud scream when the light gets to them. (This is near the Boy Scout camp, we used to take the kids there all the time to play in the water, never seemed scary, but has a totally different feeling at night)

10-22-2004, 07:11 AM
wow, my 16 y/o daughter lives here! she'll love this!!!

Coral Springs - Coral Square Mall - Around midnight you can hear shouting and moaning around where Burdines when the lights are all out. Other employees have reported seeing things move fast in the dark. And some sightings of a small boy have been seen.

10-22-2004, 07:12 AM
I've been looking around on there and found these. This is the place I grew up in (Logan, WV)...

Logan - 22 Mine Road - The ghost of Mame Thurman, a lady killed on June 22,1932 by a still unknown killer, has been seen walking the woods where she was killed.

That was a big time story when I was growing up. I used to get scared half to death when people would talk about her and tell her story. You can read more about her by going here... http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4478/murder1.htm

Logan County - 1915 Abandoned Mine - A Once Profitable Mine located on a Mountainside in a small community known as Ethel. Eerie presences are known to be seen near the Mine opening. Footsteps could clearly be heard echoing from deep within the cavern. A small light waving from within it's depths slowly passing back and forth.

10-22-2004, 07:16 AM
We have the Lady of the Lake in Dallas. There is more info here:

Neat site - thanks!