View Full Version : Ok i need some help (girls, but if guys wanna look, be my guest)

10-14-2004, 09:35 PM
Ok, as most of you have read my post about my accident. They have found out that i have a hearneated disk, sucks but its life.

Well.... the accident was the 28th of august. My last period was september 3. I have yet to have another one, so i am 11 days late. every prego test has come back negative. Me and hubby were trying for another one till my accident hit, then stopped.

i know stress causes late periods, but i dont feel stressed, or not more stressed than i normally are. I feel fine (stress wise)

But what else could cause late periods? Could i be pregnant and just not be showing up on the tests? what do you all recommend?

TIA, Amanda

10-14-2004, 09:39 PM
I don't know the answers to your questions but you might go to your gyn doctor and get checked out. Maybe the accident has something to do with it.

10-14-2004, 10:32 PM
It is possible to be pregnant and it not show on home pregnancy tests this early. Then again, there could be a completely different medical reason causing you not to have a period. I would definately go see the doctor and discuss your concerns with them so you can find an answer.

10-15-2004, 08:19 AM
It is possible to be pregnant and it not show on home pregnancy tests this early.

Most definately! All my tests (even administered by professionals), come back negative until about the 11th week. I had outgrown all my pants before the last one (Lena) came out positive.

10-15-2004, 09:03 AM
when my mom was pregnant last time all the home tests were negative, then she went into her doctor and that one came out positive.

10-15-2004, 10:52 PM
After I was in a car accident my next period was 2 weeks late. So it could be that. On the upside, I didn't get my next period after that for a long time because I was pregnant. You should see your doctor and have a blood test to be sure.

10-16-2004, 07:52 AM
Where is the herination located? S1, L4, L5, L3??? The herniation could just be pushing up against the nerves to the uterus and limiting its function. Remember the nerves from the spine branch out and go to the rest of the body. I hope that gives you another idea other then stress and pregnancy. I have been taking a class on how to help herniations through massage therapy this past week. But on the safe side I would call your doc monday morning.