View Full Version : Bare Minerals or Sheer Cover: what's your opinion?

09-29-2004, 08:44 PM
I've seen both of these advertised, but which one works better?

09-30-2004, 12:52 AM
Bare Minerals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-30-2004, 09:28 AM
LOVE BARE MINERALS.................never tried sheer

09-30-2004, 10:28 AM
I have wanted to try the bare minerals so bad, but don't have a credit card etc.. Can you get it anywhere else? I get sucked into the QVC( or whatever channel it's on..) channel every time it's on.. lol :p

09-30-2004, 11:01 AM
I so want to buy this stuff, but I'm afraid to spend money on it without knowing from a "Real Person" if its truely as wonderful as the infomercials. So, to those of you who've tried it? Is it all it's craked up to be? Worth the money?

09-30-2004, 11:11 AM
I'm not familiar with this product but there are some listings for it on Ebay.

09-30-2004, 04:26 PM
bare minerals by far\
and you can purchase samples of it on ebay for like 2-4 dollars plus shipping or you can go to their site and by a sample package of stuff for like 30 dollars
its good for ppl who have break outs....wow its great stuff........

09-30-2004, 05:02 PM
I tried bare minerals, the coverage was great, but made my face itchy. My sister uses it and has no problem and loves it. If you call the bare escentauls number the main office in San Francisco. they wll send you 6 samples, you can try the foundation, blush eyeshadow. not free samples, you have to pay shipping and handling. but it is a great way to try it. very little goes a long way. so the samples could last a while.
I switched to philosphy complete me. also a mineral foundation. I love that one. It is expensive 30.00 per bottle, but it lasts me 6 months.
i hope i have been of some help :o

09-30-2004, 11:48 PM
I so want to buy this stuff, but I'm afraid to spend money on it without knowing from a "Real Person" if its truely as wonderful as the infomercials. So, to those of you who've tried it? Is it all it's craked up to be? Worth the money?

Yes, I love it. It's the most I've ever spent on make up before but it's worth it and it lasts much longer than the regular bottle or compact I'd spend $7 on. It probably evens out in the end. I've been using the same jar of foundation and mineral veil for almost 2 months and I still have alot left. I haven't tried the other sheer stuff though but I do love bare minerals. If you want something with super coverage then this probably isn't for you. It's really light and doesn't totally cover everything.

10-01-2004, 07:26 AM
Wow, thanks for all the feedback! I'm glad we have BigBig to share our opinions.

10-01-2004, 04:44 PM
I started using it about a month or so ago and I am sold. I don't like foundation but this is so much better. And I love the eye shadows. It goes on so lightly and evenly.

I bought the first ones from e-bay as a sample. I did the same with the eye shadows and the blush. I prefer to start with a sample rather than chuck out $20 for something that I will end up throwing out.

It's all powers and with the right brushes it is easy to apply. And the Mineral Veil is great. Be sure you get some because it is used to set the foundation. Get a good set of make up brushes as well. You don't have to buy theirs and if you already have good brushes just be sure and wash them out before you start to use BE.

I love it. Buy the samples and try it before you invest alot of money.