View Full Version : Anyone ever get paid from My Emails Pay Cash?

09-28-2004, 03:56 PM
They keep saying they are catching up on payments but that's been for a month or more. Am I wasting my time with this one?

09-28-2004, 06:36 PM
I am a member and I know that she did pay in the past, and she was very good about it, but her site is becoming so unsustainable, its ridiculous. She is beginning random payouts, so if I were you, I would just click one link every once in awhile to stay active. Once you get a random payout, redeem the rest for ads and get the heck out! BTW has anyone seen the latest email she sent. It is COMPLETELY against search engine rules. Here it is:

Hello Everyone!

This email is intended for those of you, who are cheaters and only get paid for the searches, but don't bother to search.

First off, you are getting paid! That there binds you, if you don't want to search, then don't click the link. Simply stated, it's optional. Optional means you can if you want, but not mandatory!

So, I have come across some new information to catch you from another website, and no I will not give the details, but I have copied the email they have sent out to their members as proof.

Take heed, this is a fair warning, if you don't want to search, then edit your info and unclick it.

This mail is only intended for those cheating.

I reported her to all of her search engines because you cannot make people search like that, what if I searched but didn't find a relevant result? I know I am hoping for a random, and if not im out!