View Full Version : careful,gainmail sent out cheat link

09-25-2004, 08:03 AM
It's pretty obvious once you open the email, but the subject just reads 1000 clicks like all the other emails.

09-25-2004, 11:49 AM
blast me if you want but the cheat link is there for a reason not to be posted on a forum so people will be warned about it

09-25-2004, 12:04 PM
i just warned because the subject was misleading since it looks like every other email & true it's not good if you're not paying attention but on gainmail, gainagain, etc. emails that are almost all searches, i'm more liking to zone out on the text because it usually is not new...i almost clicked the cheatlink, not when i first read it but because i read my messages from the site inbox for both gainmail & hauling cash & i had opened the gainmail cheat email then the haulingcash message in a new window, did the hauling links then back to the gainmail & nearly forgot it was a cheat link...sometimes (not often I admit, there can be honest mistake clicks on a cheat link)

no harm meant :)

09-25-2004, 12:12 PM
i know mistakes happen that is one reson they are there just in case you are not reading your emails.I have clicked on cheat links because i want not payiing att. to what i was doing. One was at a very high cost to me but that is the point

09-25-2004, 04:34 PM
I dropped out of all those web sites with cheat links, if they want us to get money, why mislead us with a cheat link? I agree they are very easy to click on and when you work 12 hours days and are tired it is very easy to do.

09-25-2004, 06:42 PM
I understand why the cheat links are there, but the OP was only trying to forewarn others that this particular link was easy to overlook. I myself probably would have clicked it had I not been for the little experience I have. A new member might not have been as fortunate, even though once the email was open it was quite obvious it was a cheat.

09-26-2004, 06:05 AM
In my opinion, consider yourself lucky that you get the emails which include the cheat one. In my account, nothing, not a single email for a month! I'd rather get all the cheat links they send to me since I am not getting any cash anyway!

And as for Gainagain, why did they send out the 200 emails they sent the last 2 days!? Only 10 of them are new, the rest just say expire or error or I already visited the site. Duh! Those are from 2 days ago! Why did they flood people's email and the Inbox??!!

09-26-2004, 06:18 AM
I could have fallen off my chair when I saw 246 emails at GainMail - weirder yet, I had emails in OE and I though I was set on inbox only. All the new emails are coming to my emails rather than the site inbox.

09-26-2004, 03:58 PM
I actually clicked that cheat link. :eek: I thought it was one of those search ads that say "C@ME L@@K". My bad for not looking at it hard enough. I wonder why they used all those @@@@@@@@ instead of just saying "CHEAT LINK. DON'T CLICK"? Anyone know how long it will take them to delete me? Cause I clicked it last night and I still have my account. Also, will I be able to rejoin? I've never clicked a cheat link before so I don't know the protocol.

09-27-2004, 12:31 PM
Well, seems like Gainagain also has a cheat link.

It says:

04:10 Search Ad--700 clicks

09-27-2004, 04:46 PM
i'm a little confused, ive only been doing this for like a week, i got a couple that said do not click cheat link so i didnt... but if it doesnt say cheat link then how could u know because i dont even know what the 700 clicks mean, i just know the ad says the cents you make when u click on it :confused:

09-27-2004, 05:28 PM
From what you described, I guess that you are clicking the links from your email program. I don't. I click them from the site. So I have 3 windows running at the same time. When I click the Inbox from the site, the Cheat link message goes to the second window. So I go back to the main window and delete that link. If it's good, I click the link from the second window and the timer will show up on the third window.

Perhaps you may want to try to click them from the site's Inbox, not from your email program. I never click from my email even though I picked both email and Inbox.