View Full Version : That EVIL Wasp !!!!!!!

09-13-2004, 03:25 PM
OH MAN !!!! Me & Dh were getting ready to leave for some lunch, and I go to get in my car. The minute I set down, I felt this sharp burning pain in the left side of my back. I started screaming out, Dh's asking "WHATS WRONG ???" I lean foward, --- A RED WASP FLIES OUT FROM MY BACK AND LANDS ON THE FLOORBOARD NEAR THE DOOR !!! I screaming at him to kill it, kill it now (I know I sounded like a crazy person at that point) and Im all screaming in pain and had my head push up against the roof TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM THIS THING !!!!!!!! AUGH !!! Im allergic to those buggers !!! I swore it felt like someone tried to put out a lit cigarette on my back it hurt so much !!!

It swelled up some, it's going back down........why couldn't those things have been wiped out with the dinosours ????

AND tommorow is the day we are supposed to hear something about that house we want, on wether we can get it our not, and of course we have (me being a nervouse wreck) sitting on pins and needles. Im so stressed out on hearing about this house that when Im stressed, my face breaks out. So right now I got the pimple landmine around my chin (only happens when Im stressed)

Ok god I took the sting, took one for the team......now time for some good mojo......come god.....

09-13-2004, 04:02 PM

09-13-2004, 04:02 PM
omg hun we had those here, they formed such a HUGE colony that in the rafter where their nest was it was sagging, and it was METAL. It took three attempts by a professional exterminator to kill them, and they didnt die right away it took days, he dumped some serious chemicals on them too!

09-13-2004, 04:51 PM
They are so evil this time of year (wasps/bees). I hope you feel better soon.

Angel Lips
09-13-2004, 07:59 PM
i am sorry, those things are evil, hope you are feeling better

09-14-2004, 04:50 PM
I had some of those wasps that live in the ground get after me one day when I was cutting the grass. By the time I got to the back door I was nearly stripped. I had 13 stings. Yes they hurt so so bad. But to make it worse my husband was watching out the window. He did run to the door to let me in but was laughing so hard he was no comfort at all. And they didn't quit hurting for hours.

ang in NC
09-14-2004, 06:13 PM

09-15-2004, 08:56 PM

I'm sorry you got stung, I was hoping you were giving us a colorful neighbor update :eek:

I've heard that putting a paste of baking soda & water on a sting can be very soothing.

Good luck with your house-hunting!