View Full Version : I absolutely hate my neighbors boyfriend!

09-06-2004, 11:00 AM
I am so mad at this jerk right now, I just want to walk right over there and smack him in the face.

Just a few minutes ago, I was outside mowing the grass. My husband has been working 12-14 hours a day for the last few weeks and even had to work today. He was off yesterday, but there was no way I could say anything about the grass, because he needed to rest.

Anyway, I decided to get out there and pull out the riding mower from the storage building. This is no easy task by the way, because in order to get to the mower, I have to move out my husbands 4-wheeler and my sons 4-wheeler, the mower is in the back. My sons 4-wheeler is light and no problem to move, but my husbands 4-wheeler weighs over 700lbs and let me tell you, it is a job!
So I finally manage to get them out, it was tough, but once I got the wheels lined up with the ramp leading out the door, I shoved the big ATV and it rolled on down and out without too big of a big hassle. I am thinking "hey this is great!" However, I did not anticipate just how damned hard it would be to get that sucker back in there once I was done.

So the clouds start to come up just as I am getting done with the grass. I am trying to hurry and get the mower and the 4-wheelers back in before it starts to rain. I got the mower in and my sons 4-wheeler in okay. I am outside shoving and pushing, working my butt off to get the big 4-wheeler back up the ramp and into the building. Meanwhile, the neighbors boyfriend, Eddie, is outside on their back deck, smoking a cigarette, looking over and LAUGHING AT ME! Did he offer to help me out? NO>>>>> Instead he felt it was more important to just sit there and laugh.

This couple are the only close neighbors that we have. The girl, Marilyn, is really nice. I have known her for a very long time and we get along great. Had she been at home and saw this, she would have ran right over to try and help me, but not her boyfriend. He is such a jerk. He claims that he is a building contractor and that he builds houses, but when something goes wrong over at her place, she calls and asks us if we can go over to help her. Know why? Because Eddie won't. He sits his lazy butt in her recliner and watches as we go over and help her tighten up her ceiling fan because it is rattling, or jump start her car so she could get to work the day her battery was dead. Eddie was in the bed and she didn't have anyone else to call. Ohhh, and the battery was dead because Eddie had been outside listening to her stereo the night before and left it on all night!

Uggghhhh, I could write a book about all the stupid stuff this guy does, but that would be a whole new thread entirely. Marilyn owns her own house and two cars, she is such a nice person to be hooked up with this jerk. She and I are close enough that we have talked about him in the past. She knows and even agrees that he is worthless, but she says she is in love with him, so she won't kick him out. I think it is a sad situation.

But anyway, getting back on track...I am MAD at his sorry butt for sitting over there and laughing at me, that is just plain rude and inconsiderate. I sure didn't think it was funny and I don't think my husband will either. I do know this much, he better hope he doesn't need help with anything in the near future, he sure won't be getting any help from us.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.


09-06-2004, 11:14 AM
In different ways.."I FEEL YOU"... sending ((HUGS)), really..What a day..

09-06-2004, 11:22 AM
Too bad that she doesn't understand that love requires more than just a body in your home. Love is respect and support. I think that she is going to end up extremely hurt in the end. He sounds as if he is taking advantage of her. Too bad. Be there when he dumps her and walks away with her money or whatever it is that he wants from her. She's going to need the help.

09-06-2004, 06:21 PM
wow...you have 2 idiots living near you!! him for being HIM, and her for alloiwing him to be him. diggit? obviously she needs to grow a backbone. well..i suppose we are all there once in our lives.
good luck!!

09-07-2004, 05:22 AM
That is very frustrating....and the scary thing is that nowadays, if you actually say something back, you could be the one in trouble or hurt!! I hope that next time she has a problem, you try to keep your distance. Hope all is better now!!