View Full Version : Charmed~8/31 6pm "The Importance of Being Phoebe"

08-31-2004, 06:05 PM
what did kaya find while snooping around phoebe's room?
*knife in panty drawer

why was piper nervous about the health inspector's impending visit to the club?
*plumbing had exploded

what did cole offer to do for phoebe when she stormed into his office?
*kill her boss

what did cole say to the accident victim after killing her?
*"sorry, nothing personal"

why did cole tell kaya he hadn't killed her yet?
*found her "mildly entertaining"

how did piper react when she thought she saw phoebe & cole kissing?
*said she wanted to "go home and vomit"

how did darryl respond when paige asked for his help?
*"i can't bend the rules like I used to."

what did kaya ask piper to do while posing as phoebe?
*take away phoebe's powers

what did phoebe say to cole after he returned from the nexus?
*"i'm free"

what did paige do to aid her escape from jail?
*stuffed pillows in her bed

what did kaya convince paige & piper to do?
*put up house as collateral for bail

what was paige first charged with when arrested?
*felony hit & run

what did kaya convince paige and piper to do?
*put up house as collateral for bail

what did phoebe say to cole after he returned from the nexus?
*"i'm free."

08-31-2004, 10:15 PM
Thank you

09-01-2004, 02:14 AM
in a public service announcement, what did an older woman do while children played outdoors & spoke about their heroes?
*spoke about a medical condition
*juvenile diabetes research foundation
*help find a cure or close to finding a cure

In a movie commercial during this show, what was Julianne Moore desperate to prove the existence of?
Her young son
"The Forgotten"