View Full Version : Track and Field, Women's Diving 8/25 10:00 PM 2100+ points

08-26-2004, 11:04 AM
What did Jana Pittman do a few months before the Olympics?
Had knee surgery

What was unique about Derrick Peterson's Olympic experience?
Was doubling as a journalist

What happened when Fani Halkia was announced before the women's 400-meter hurdles final?
Crowd gave standing ovation

What did the commentators point out about Jana Pittman's appearance?
Had flag painted on leg

What did Fani Halkia do after she won the gold medal?
Cried on the ground

What was shown during a "Fresh TV" segment?
Female volleyball players holding hands

What did Cynthia Potter say about Guo Jingjing during her first diving attempt?
Had “flat” feet

What did Jonathan Johnson do in his 800-meter heat?
NOT was tripped
NOT set personal record

In a commercial during this show, what did a man in the backseat accuse the driver of a car of lying about?
Eating low-fat ice cream
Edy's Grand Light
Rich and creamy taste

In a commercial during this show, what did three separate vehicles do as different prices and the phrase "welcome to more" appeared?
Drove on different roadways
Get cash back bonuses or 0% APR

In a commercial during this show, what did a long-haired man do as a woman in jeans and a pink sweater strutted down a hallway and onto a white runway?
Played electric guitar
August 29th

08-26-2004, 11:22 AM
What did Jonathan Johnson do in his 800-meter heat?
*Became only American to advance

What was shown during a "Fresh TV" segment?
*Female volleyball players holding hands
Who sponsored the "Fresh TV" segment in which female volleyball players were shown holding hands?
*Bud Light

08-26-2004, 12:04 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did an elderly butler do at the request of his dark-haired employer?
NOT Cleaned swimming pool

What did Ted Robinson say about Irina Lashko after her dive?
NOT Defected from Russia as teenager

08-26-2004, 12:21 PM
What did Ted Robinson say about Irina Lashko after her dive?
NOT Defected from Russia as teenager
NOT Gave birth...

What did a commentator say about Grace Upshaw's father before her long jump attempt?
Wasn't allowed

08-26-2004, 12:29 PM
What did Ted Robinson say about Irina Lashko after her dive?
Wasn't allowed to participate in 2000 games

08-26-2004, 02:36 PM

In a commercial during this show, what did various Olympic athletes do as they prepared for the starting pistol to be fired as their names and a houseware item appeared?
Meditated over forthcoming task
Home Depot
Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls