View Full Version : American Chopper 10:00 8/17 3600 pts REPEAT

08-18-2004, 07:55 PM
Thanks to OP melissa_2000! (That's me :)

What did Paul and Paulie do in Washington D.C.?
*Rode in parade

What did Vinnie say he liked about scooters?
*Could do "wheelies"

Which idea of Paul's was rejected?
*Putting on a rear fender

What did Vinnie do while Paul and Paulie argued?
*Finished fender

What was identified as "an OCC mystery"?
*Gascap was missing

What did Mikey do when Vinnie was late for work?
*Messed up wiring on bike

What made Rick leave the shop?
*Had to search for missing screws

What did the team do to make the gas tank fit on the frame?
*Removed washers from bolts

What did Paul say about Paulie's praise of the bike's chrome finish?
*"You say that every time."

What did Paul and Mikey do to get away from the shop?
*Cut down trees in woods

What did Vinnie suggest doing after realizing there was a problem with the motorcycle frame?
*Building scooters instead

What did Paulie suggest Paul do to help?
*"Get your hands dirty"

What did Paulie and Justin Barnes do to get ideas for the motorcycle's design?
*Looked at movie storyboards
What paint supply company advertised on a banner behind Paulie and Justin Barnes as they looked at movie storyboards?

What did Paulie say he did before beginning design on the motorcycle?
*Conferred with Will Smith
What movie did Paulie mention when he said he conferred with Will Smith?
*"I, Robot"

What did Mikey say he'd always wondered what it was like to do?
*Walk down red carpet
What logo was displayed at the movie premiere as Mikey said he'd wondered what it was like to walk down the red carpet?
*Blue from American Express

What reason did Mikey give for not riding motorcycles with Paul and Paulie?
*Didn't have his license
What kind of scooter did Mikey ride since he didn't have a motorcycle license?

What did Paul, Paulie, and Mikey do with the finished motorcycle?
*Took it to movie premiere
What automaker was featured on a wall behind Paul, Paulie, and Mikey at the movie premiere?

What did Paul comment about Vinnie when he failed to show up for work on time?
*NOT Was "pulling one of Mikey's tricks"
[Paul said Vinnie "got a case of Paulie-itis - when you show up to work whenever you d**n please."]
[There is a Snap-On logo behind him and they are waiting for the guys from PRI.]

In a commercial during this show, what did a blonde woman wearing a red dress do while dancing in a fountain?
Ate chocolate-chip cookie
Chips Ahoy! Thin Crisps
Are available in 100 calorie packs