View Full Version : PCHPoints Economies of Scale?

08-12-2004, 11:48 AM
:) What are prevailing opinions about redemptions? I just hit the $10 9000-point level.

Do most of you cash out as soon as you can or save up for the bigger amount ($25 20,000 points)?

I think I'd be inclined to save up and get more per point, but so many sites go under, would it be smarter to just take what I can get while the getting is good?

08-12-2004, 02:39 PM
I cash out at the $10 level (Amazon GC, lower threshold than for actual cash) for the reasons you mentioned -- of the past history of some less than stellar rewards programs (i.e. Blink) -- and it's been taking longer and longer and longer each time for them to send the rewards. (It's just a stupid email -- how long could that possibly take for them to send???)

08-12-2004, 02:51 PM
I'm saving my points to get a $50 Suncoast Giftcard
I have 34,855 points right now. I've been saving for over a year now

08-12-2004, 07:18 PM
I cash out when I get the 9000 points. I have gotten several $10.00 gc from them, usually takes 2 months to get them. :D

08-12-2004, 08:02 PM
Hi Euphrasie!

As you know, I joined PCHPoints under you. I've received 1 GC (2-3 weeks) & am very close to my 2nd. I have a few referrals.

I belong to several reward programs & TONS of survey sites. Many of the survey sites have a point system. I ALMOST ALWAYS cash out as soon as I can-usually $10.00 level. Some months I get 3-5 $10.00 GC's to the same place! So it adds up.
I don't trust any of them-no matter how great their reputation. When I first started on this stuff I got burned "saving up" at the old Prima Rewards.
I know lots of people save up for $50 & even $100 & they eventually get them-I just don't trust my timing. Not a very big gambler!

08-13-2004, 04:43 AM
I also do the $10 GC although I trust them and have always received the proper points and the gift cards.

08-13-2004, 06:17 AM
If you do decide to "save up," make sure you get the most value out of your points. A $25 redemption for one merchant may be a lot more expensive than a $25 redemption for another.

A $25 Webbie = 25,500 points
A $25 Bennigan's GC or J.Crew GC = 20,500 points


08-13-2004, 06:35 AM
I normally cash out at the first level.I usually receive the gift card within two month time.

08-13-2004, 07:20 AM
I also got paid twice within 2 months

08-13-2004, 08:43 AM
Thanks all for the input--I saved up for the $25 last time...maybe I'm just getting impatient. I think I'll just go cash in. Hmmm...which one should I choose...? :)

08-13-2004, 11:08 AM
I usually go ahead and cash out as soon as possible too. I'm just not brave enough to let my points accumulate - been burned too many times I guess. I just got my first PCH GC yesterday - $10. It took maybe a month or month and a half. They emailed me on Tuesday to tell me I should have it within a week and then it came two days later. I also just cashed out for a $5 Barnes & Noble card from HIPoints. I buy a lot of books, so with the readers advantage discount, I should be able to get one for maybe a $1 or less. The only one I'm letting accumulate a little is Freeride, and that's only because I had done some shopping through them recently and I'm just about to the $25 level, but as soon as I hit that level I'm cashing out! :p