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08-04-2004, 05:19 PM
How did Adam and Jamie make the raft paddles?
Based them on FBI drawings

What did Adam do to Jamie after they argued about how to make the raft?
Made faces at him

What did the acoustics expert say the background noise did to the duck echoes?
Made them inaudible

What did Heather Joseph-Witham say about the duck myth?
Spread on internet

What did the FBI say the prisoners did to inflate the raft?
NOT took turns blowing
NOT rigged window fan

What did the narrator say Jim Reichard's family had done for more than a century?
Listened to ducks quack

What did the narrator say about Frank Morris?
NOT got into fights
NOT drank heavily

What did the narrator say about the San Francisco Bay model?
Built in 1950s

What did Adam do with the PVC materials?
NOT taped them together

What did Jamie do to the duck in the field?
NOT chased it around

What did Adam say about the raincoats used to make a raft?
Were "military style"

What did Adam do after he exited the bathroom?
Laughed loudly