View Full Version : Charmed 8/3 10pm "Used Karma"

08-03-2004, 09:17 PM
What did Jason do when the Charmed Ones exposed themselves as witches?
* Fell to floor

What did Phoebe say was the reason she was wearing a seductive dress?
* Was trying to win back Jason

What did Piper and Leo do while standing in Wyatt's nursery?
* Discussed family karma

What kind of crib was Wyatt in when Leo and Piper were discussing the family's karma?
* Kolcraft Travelin' Tot

Why did Phoebe want to kill Richard?
* Felt he betrayed her

What did Paige say took place when Richard was alone for too long?
* "Bad things start to happen."

Why did Richard feel he was responsible for the problem with Jason?
* Had inherited familys karma

What did Phoebe suggest the Swarm King do to create bad karma?
* Kill an innocent person

What French phrase did Phoebe utter once the spirit entered her?
* "Qu'est-ce que c'est?"

What did Piper believe about Wyatt?
* Was the future leader of all evil

What did Phoebe do during Jason's presentation?
* Put curse on merger

What did Richard intend to do with his spell?
* Cleanse his aura

What did Richard tell Jason to do with Phoebe?
* Throw potion at her

What happened during the limousine ride?
** Swarm Demons took Jason

08-04-2004, 03:19 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did Homer Simpson do around his hometown?
Went to convenience store, got an expensive haircut, and visited a bar
Lets you get your errands done quicker

In a movie commercial during this show, what did Tom Cruise do as Jamie Foxx drove him around in a taxi?
*Killed people

In a commercial during this show, what did a political candidate with salt-and-pepper hair mention after discussing political conventions on a tour bus?
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what did a women wearing a black dress & gold necklace discuss with her chauffeur as they drove through a city a night?
*getting to sale early
*tuesday morning
*50%-80% off everything