View Full Version : Ferenhieght 9/11 . WHAT AN EYE OPENER...

07-27-2004, 07:23 AM
I just watched this last night. I have to say that i just cant understand why!! all of this over OIL!!! I'm not a register voter. but after watching that i'm going to register today. Dont know what differance it will make! I never liked bush to begin with, but i just cant belive some of this crap!

From my point of view, i see him as really crooked! i'm mean just an awful person. Granted i'm not politacal. i really couldnt tell you much about that kind of stuff, but from what i watched it was really disturbing.

does anyone have a veiw point on this.. do i have this all wrong? what do you think? and what can we as a nation do about it?

07-27-2004, 09:14 AM
does anyone have a veiw point on this.. do i have this all wrong? what do you think? and what can we as a nation do about it?[/QUOTE]

As a nation, we can all make sure we are registered to vote and then vote this man out of office. That's what I plan to do.

07-27-2004, 09:38 AM
As a nation, we can all make sure we are registered to vote and then vote this man out of office. That's what I plan to do.

Me too. :D

07-27-2004, 09:55 AM
It was a good movie. There's a rather extensive thread on the subject at Warnings/FYI. No, this war is not all about the oil, although it is an indirect factor. It has, however, nothing to with terrorists.

The desire to invade Iraq was there before this administration took office.
Wolfowitz is the architect of PNAC, a vision of a utopia where no other nation can challenge the military supremacy of the US. Rumsfield has also been part of this project. Iraq would become a shining example of democracy for other countries in the Middle East which would overthrow their governments and set up their own democracies. http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm

You may have noted that Bush has provided unmitigated support to Israel during his term. Iraq, having the only army of any substance posed a threat to Israel. This is another factor. The Middle East still looks upon Israel as just an occupying force with no right to be there.

Because of the blunders made by this administration, the US will soon be as beloved as the Israelites.

07-27-2004, 09:57 AM
I would no more consider myself informed by only watching Michael Moore's radical leftist viewpoint, than I would by only listening to Pat Robertson's radical right view. My only suggestion would be to do more balanced fact finding, because with a camera and an edit button, I could make the Pope look evil.

07-27-2004, 10:12 AM

07-27-2004, 10:14 AM
You can say what you want. BUT one thing that the movie made this OP do is go out and become a Registered Voter!!!! And for that I am happy!!!

07-27-2004, 10:16 AM
Might want to try watching the conventions, at least when the two candidates speak. I think Kerry speaks Wednesday night.

07-27-2004, 01:19 PM
I am so glad you registered. The right to vote, along with all of our rights were bought with the lives of good men and women. To me, when we do not register or just don't vote on election day is throwing their gift back in their face.

Please don't base who you are voting for on a movie or anything else. You decide who you think is the best person for the job, no matter what political party that person belongs to.

07-27-2004, 03:11 PM
I would no more consider myself informed by only watching Michael Moore's radical leftist viewpoint, than I would by only listening to Pat Robertson's radical right view. My only suggestion would be to do more balanced fact finding, because with a camera and an edit button, I could make the Pope look evil.(Fox does this every day)

To assume that we remained informed about any of these facts until we saw this movie, is just sad. If you will refer to my prior post, you will note that none of the facts that I stated were in the movie. I don't agree with Moore on the motivations that he attributed to this administration's decision to invade Iraq. I found nothing else in movie to be inaccurate.

This is horrible mess.

07-27-2004, 03:27 PM
(Fox does this every day)

To assume that we remained informed about any of these facts until we saw this movie, is just sad. If you will refer to my prior post, you will note that none of the facts that I stated were in the movie. I don't agree with Moore on the motivations that he attributed to this administration's decision to invade Iraq. I found nothing else in movie to be inaccurate.

This is horrible mess.
What you previously stated was opinion, not facts.

07-27-2004, 03:35 PM
What you previously stated was opinion, not facts.

Wrong! PNAC is real; I published a link that you can read.

And these words are from the horse's mouth:

These, of course, are not the reasons given to justify placing U.S. troops in harm's way, but even the most circumspect senior officials have had unguarded moments of candor. For example, when asked in May 2003 why North Korea was being treated differently from Iraq, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz responded, "Let's look at it simply...The country (Iraq) swims on a sea of oil.'

And basking in the glory of "Mission Accomplished' shortly after Baghdad had been taken, Wolfowitz admitted that the focus on weapons of mass destruction to justify the attack on Iraq was "for bureaucratic reasons.' It was, he added, "the one reason everyone could agree on' – meaning, of course, the one that could successfully sell the war to Congress and the American people.

The Israel factor? In another moment of unusual candor – this one before the war – Philip Zelikow, a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from 2001 to 2003 (and now executive director of the 9/11 commission), pointed to the danger that Iraq posed to Israel as "the unstated threat – a threat that dare not speak its name...because it is not a popular sell.

Last, but hardly least, it was not until several months after the Bush White House decided to make war on Iraq that the weapons-of-mass-destruction-laden National Intelligence Estimate was commissioned, and then only because Congress needed to be persuaded that the threat was so immediate that war was necessary. Vice President Dick Cheney set the main parameters in a major speech on Aug. 26, 2002, in which he declared, "We know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons." The estimate Tenet signed dutifully endorsed that spurious judgment – with "high confidence," no less.

For the full article: http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/19211/

07-28-2004, 12:21 AM
Might want to try watching the conventions, at least when the two candidates speak. I think Kerry speaks Wednesday night.

As I understand it, it's going to be John Edwards speaking on Wednesday night and John Kerry on Thursday. And for me, followed by a good dose of "The Daily Show" convention "highlights" on Comedy Central. :)

07-28-2004, 01:56 AM
Michael Moore thinks that Americans are the dumbest people on the planet.
After seeing F/911 I believe that the film supports Michael Moore's opinion completely.

I am a swing voter from a battleground state who is no fan of Pres. Bush. Nor am I greatly impressed by John Kerry.

We live in a very interesting time in history. I hope that in the next four years the people that are elected on the Hill and those elected in the House and Senate will get far more serious and quick.
It took a long time to develop this condition we live in, it did not suddenly pop up on November 2000 when GW Bush sat his hind-end in the leather chair inside the Oval Office. We need people that set aside their personal agenda's, that will roll up their sleeves and work for the people of the nation.

We the voters need to be as serious and informed as possible.
Then walk right into the voting booth, cast our vote and continue to pay attention. This condition that we live in will not be gone in four years. Maybe not in eight years. So we need people in those leadership positions that can work to build a strong foundation for our future.

Just my 2cents.

07-28-2004, 09:18 AM
Its AWESOME that you registered to vote. I just turned 18 last november, and I am so glad that I get to finally vote this year. Just please really look into BOTH sides before making a decision. Its hard to make a decision based on what one man says. Michael moore tells about HALF the story.

07-28-2004, 09:35 AM
Oh Lord.. you bashed Bush. I'd suggest you put on a rain slicker for all the poo people are going to sling at you. For the record I'm viting Kerry/Edwards in November! I registered to vote on December 17th of 03 because that's the earliest you can register to vote (6 months before you turn 18).

I cannot wait to utilize my right to vote :D (Guess it's a good thing the conservatives didn't get their way on women's voting rights!)

07-28-2004, 09:40 AM
We are watching the DNC and my son just said he's going to vote for Kerry twice. lol I told him that you can only vote once and that you have to be 18 so he has asked if I would vote for him. :D I told him I am going to vote for Kerry but I can only vote one time. lol

07-28-2004, 11:44 AM
PARIS - A half-brother of Osama bin Laden says he enjoyed most of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," except for what he called "inaccuracies" about his family.

"It's a moving film," Yeslam Binladin, a Geneva-based tycoon and one of the al-Qaida leader's 54 siblings, said in an interview with the French magazine VSD.

"I even laughed at times," said Binladin, adding, "but a lot less when he states errors or inaccuracies about my family, knowing perfectly well that he's deceiving the public."

In the film, Moore states that U.S. President George W. Bush tried to cover up his family's longtime business and personal ties to the family of Osama bin Laden and other prominent Saudis because many of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

One of his main points is that the U.S. administration helped 142 Saudis - including two dozen members of bin Laden's family - fly out of the United States two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, even though commercial air space was closed.

"That's false and can be verified by anyone," said the Saudi-born Binladin, who intentionally spells his name differently from Osama, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks. "They benefited from no exceptional authorization to leave American territory."

A recent 9/11 panel report states that the chartered flights took place starting Sept. 14, once airspace had reopened.

Binladin, who has lived in Geneva for many years and has Swiss citizenship, told the magazine that his U.S.-based family members flew into Geneva on Sept. 20 before taking off again for Saudi Arabia.

The movie also states that several family members attended a 2001 wedding of one of Osama bin Laden's sons in Afghanistan - a claim Binladin says is exaggerated.

"Nobody from my family was at this wedding in Afghanistan except for the mother of Osama," said Binladin. Yeslam and Osama are among the 54 sons and daughters of the late Saudi construction magnate Mohammed bin Laden and his 22 wives.

Binladin, the founder of Geneva-based financial company Sico, said the last time he saw his younger half-brother was before Osama left Saudi Arabia in 1981.

LOL, even the Bin Laden Family sites lies and inacuracies.

07-28-2004, 12:22 PM
PARIS - A half-brother of Osama bin Laden says he enjoyed most of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," except for what he called "inaccuracies" about his family.

"It's a moving film," Yeslam Binladin, a Geneva-based tycoon and one of the al-Qaida leader's 54 siblings, said in an interview with the French magazine VSD.

"I even laughed at times," said Binladin, adding, "but a lot less when he states errors or inaccuracies about my family, knowing perfectly well that he's deceiving the public."

In the film, Moore states that U.S. President George W. Bush tried to cover up his family's longtime business and personal ties to the family of Osama bin Laden and other prominent Saudis because many of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

One of his main points is that the U.S. administration helped 142 Saudis - including two dozen members of bin Laden's family - fly out of the United States two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, even though commercial air space was closed.

"That's false and can be verified by anyone," said the Saudi-born Binladin, who intentionally spells his name differently from Osama, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks. "They benefited from no exceptional authorization to leave American territory."

A recent 9/11 panel report states that the chartered flights took place starting Sept. 14, once airspace had reopened.

Binladin, who has lived in Geneva for many years and has Swiss citizenship, told the magazine that his U.S.-based family members flew into Geneva on Sept. 20 before taking off again for Saudi Arabia.

The movie also states that several family members attended a 2001 wedding of one of Osama bin Laden's sons in Afghanistan - a claim Binladin says is exaggerated.

"Nobody from my family was at this wedding in Afghanistan except for the mother of Osama," said Binladin. Yeslam and Osama are among the 54 sons and daughters of the late Saudi construction magnate Mohammed bin Laden and his 22 wives.

Binladin, the founder of Geneva-based financial company Sico, said the last time he saw his younger half-brother was before Osama left Saudi Arabia in 1981.

LOL, even the Bin Laden Family sites lies and inacuracies.

LOL! I saw this movie and at no time did Moore accuse Bush of trying to cover up his relationship with Bin Laden. (BTW, the word you need is "cite", not "site") The administration did help 142 Saudis to leave this country while commercial airspace was closed. If it amuses you to take the word of a Bin Laden over government officials, laugh away.

One of Osama's ex sister-in-laws has recently published a book. She is quite sure that family members stay in touch with him and are funding Al Qaeda.

Do yourself a favor and go see the movie.

07-28-2004, 12:40 PM
AzRocky is up from Arizona for a week or so and she has gotten in touch with me, so we are going to go see this movie tonight. I can hardly wait to see what all the controversy is about. More than anything though, I'm just happy that I finally get to meet AzRocky! :)