View Full Version : Summerland 7/26/04

07-26-2004, 09:46 PM
Summerland 7/26/04 9:00 repeat thanks to the op Summerland 7/20 9:00


What did Erika say about her father?
*Saw his face in her dreams

What did the school principal tell Ava about Nikki?
*Mom planned for her to skip a grade

What did principal say he wanted to do for Nikki?
*Make her editor of school magazine

What did Sarah want Bradin to do with her?
*Run away to Mexico

What did Susannah hope to do at Derrick's friend's birthday party?
*Meet editor of fashion magazine

What did Nikki do at her old school?
*Founded book club

What did Kelly advise Bradin to do about Sarah?
*Tell her she was acting crazy

What did Susannah say was the reason she was not sleeping?
*Worried about business

What did Sarah say she had to do after getting caught shoplifting?
*Serve food to homeless

What happened when Bradin went to Sarah's house?
*Learned she lied about her parents

What did Ronnie tell Erika?
*Had fatal liver condition

What did Derrick say when Susannah came into his room?
*Didn't want to go to birthday party

What brand of handheld video game console was Derrick playing with when he said he didn't want to go to the party?

What did Susannah do with Derrick at the birthday party?
*Jumped in bounce house

What kind of shoes did Susannah damage when she jumped in the bounce house?
*Jimmy Choo

07-27-2004, 01:47 PM
In a movie commercial during this show, what happened to a priest exploring an excavation site in a foreign land?
*Encountered evil entity
*"Exorcist: The Beginning"

In a movie commercial during this show, what did cartoon monsters do?
*Fought each other