View Full Version : I have a new Sweetie and I Love Him!!!!!!!

07-25-2004, 07:49 PM
My new Sweetie is my grandson Davyon. I have the greatest dil, she makes sure that i see him and spend time with him. Sweetie the love of my life was told the other day that he has diabities, ( type 2), and i have been sick for the last few weeks. for the past few weeks, we have been having a hard time, making ends meet and running back and forth to doctor appointments and having tests, and going to pt, has really been a drain on funds around here. my dil, calls me eveyday and talks to me and she cries and i listen to her and give her advice, and such, to help her feel better about herself. i have been where she is now, when i was younger and i know how she feels. well, she has been keeping track of how we are doing, she called me yesterday and asked if we needed anything and she arranged for us to come over to her house, saying she wanted me to cook dinner for her cause she misses my cooking. she called me this morning and told me to meet her at the supermarket, cause she needed a few things, we get there and she tells me to get whatever i needed, and she will pay for it. i look at her like she is crazy and she says " ma i know you need stuff for your dh to eat cause his diet has changed and you don't have the money to get it and i do, so go get it". we went food shopping and she paid for it, telling me don't worry about it. so, i went to her house, afterward and cooked her dinner and she said this was payback for her good deed, i don't owe her a thing. and then told me i was catching a cab home later, cause there is no way we can carry the food home that we had shopped for. so i gave her a day off from motherhood, i took care of my grandsons, cooked dinner, feed everybody and gave the baby a bath and put him to bed. and told her " whenever you need a break from the boys just let us know and we will be more then happy to take them for a day." i feel like i am the luckyest woman in the world. i have a dil that will help without looking for anything in return. but, i have a surprise for her, as soon as Sweetie goes back to work i will repay all that she has done for me and Sweetie. And i thank her everyday for my grandsons, cause she could have told my son, "no". and i love her with all of my whole heart, and thank god for her all of the time. She is a very rear young Lady.

07-25-2004, 07:59 PM
I am so happy for you Valena, you sure do deserve that kind of love in your life. By chance do you have any pics of these little grandbabies?

ang in NC
07-25-2004, 09:51 PM
She is so lucky to have a mil like you!!!

07-26-2004, 06:50 AM
I'm happy for you Valena! She sounds like a awesome DIL. You're both lucky :)

07-26-2004, 07:58 AM
It's wonderful that you will always have contact with your grandbabies :) It's amazing how far a little love, caring, and understanding will go :) We get heart hugs for it :)

07-26-2004, 08:07 AM
Congrats!!!!!!! You are very lucky!!

07-26-2004, 08:11 AM
That made me cry! Congrats on having such a loving and caring family. {{{Hugs}}}

07-26-2004, 08:58 AM
My son may be a deadbeat dad, but i have a dil, that understands, i am here for her whenever she needs me. my son, now cries that he wants to be back with her and the boys. Sweetie tells her, not to believe him, cause all he wants is somebody to use and abuse, and throw away, cause he can't find another lady like her, and all he is going to do is hurt her again. and i agree with him. her mother thinks that i am going to help my son hurt her. i told her i would never do that to her, cause i was left by his father, to raise him on my own, so i know her hurt and pain. my son is taking her to family court, and saying bad things about her, and saying she is unfit, which are not true. she is a great mother, she takes very good care of my grandsons. one of her sons, belong to my son, but i say her older son is my grandson, too cause he needs another grandmother, too. and i love him like he was my own. to me as long as a grandmother, is there to hug them, hold them, and teach them the right way in life, and give them what they need, love and kisses, and understanding.