View Full Version : CR - Complete Home & TravelersAdvantage.com

07-21-2004, 06:04 AM
These are a scam! I signed up for these programs through a link on CR, cancelled way before the trial membership and Complete Home and TravelersAdvantage.com still charged my account. Stay away from these companies.

I had also signed up for Clever Clubhouse and cancelled within the trial period. I cancelled all three on the same day and this company is the only one who got it right. Way to go Clever Clubhouse!

Figures, I never do these kind of signups and now I know why!

If only I had done a search at Rip Off Report, I could have saved this headache! That's what I get for being point greedy!



07-21-2004, 04:56 PM
I only signed up for one offer, Complete Home. I think it was through My Points. I was able to cancel before the trial ended, but not without the sales pitch. Now I avoid offers that are annual memberships after a trial period. It's not worth the aggravation of trying to cancel and wondering which one isn't going to properly close the account without charging.

Hiya dtuleya :)