View Full Version : paid emails

07-19-2004, 08:43 PM
Can someone help me! I have never signed up for any paid email sites before, but I recently signed up for hauling cash and I am now bombarded with emails everyday. My questions will probably seem ridiculous but how do I get paid for reading these emails? Do I have to click on one of the sites advertised in the email? And how do they know that I have read them in order to get credit? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

07-19-2004, 09:02 PM
click on the links that in the email they will bring up another page and at the top will say "HaulingCash Thanks you for Your Support!! You will receive 0.5 cents(s), once you have visited this sponsor's site for at least 20 seconds" when you have waited the 20 sec it will say "You've Got Cash!!.
Thank You!" that means you have recieved credit for it. The one to click is usally the middle one ther in sets of three that stars out with http://www.haulingcash.com/scripts/runner.in it unless you have aol then click the last link.