View Full Version : Question for women about fertility TMI Warning!

07-14-2004, 02:40 PM
OK, here's what's going on:

History: 15 yrs of infertility mainly due to PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome). Gastric bypass leading to drastic weight loss and regular periods for the first time in my life! Finally got pregnant after I gave up...4 yrs after my surgery. Gave birth to Cadence on 4/19/04, Dr gave ok to begin TTC at 6 wk post-partum checkup. I'm told that PCOS can be somewhat "cured" by having a baby and that there is a window of opportunity to get pregnant again right after you have a baby. I am not breastfeeding (unable to due to PCOS).
OK Fast forward to current times..
I had my first real period on June 26, lasted a full week. Felt my ovulation pains on Cycle day 13 (late at night) going into day 14. Worked on TTC ALOT since period went away...almost every day (but not last night). Today I felt ...TMI warning..... really "wet", so I dashed to the bathroom, and there was ALOT of cervical mucous and blood streaked through it. I have been checking ever since, (about 5 hrs ago), and have no more of the CM or blood at all.
What the heck could be going on??? Any ideas?

07-14-2004, 03:13 PM
Not sure what TTC is. You can get mucuous streaked with blood when you ovulate from cysts. Also, I think, having wacko periods and bleeding after a baby is somewhat normal.

Call your gyno if you are worried! Good luck!

07-14-2004, 03:14 PM
Maybe it was from where you were ovulating? Like a discharge from it or something. I really don't know. lol

07-14-2004, 03:15 PM
Not sure what TTC is. I *think* it means "trying to conceive". :)

07-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Yes, sorry, TTC means Trying To Conceive. I'm on cycle day 20 now. I ovulated on Cycle Day 13/14. I can always feel when I ovulate.

07-14-2004, 03:55 PM
It may be implantation bleeding. I had that with my son.

07-14-2004, 06:39 PM
JewRican~ That crossed my mind. I don't know when in the cycle it would show up if it's implantation bleeding. I didn't have it with Cadi, so I have nothing to compare it to. Still no more "spotting" or whatever it was. Weird!

07-14-2004, 06:46 PM
Mine was like discharge with bloody streaks. That happened and a week later I got a positive on my pregnancy test. The even weirder part is it happened again last night but I am on BC. I hope I'm not pregnant again so soon.

07-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Last July when I got pregnant. (Also had fertility issues, I have a defective ovary and my Dh to be blunt and not gross, shoots to the right, which is my bad ovary. So we had to do AI and the first time it worked). A week before my period was to start. (I have always been regular, 25 days to the day). I streaked blood, but never saw it again. The week I was to have my period, we went back to the DR's and they took a blood test and it showed I was pregnant. (YEAH) And 7 1/2 months later I gave birth to Janie and Jack!!!!! I did want to get pregnant again, because I am getting older, and wanted to have a big family. BUT since it didn't happen right away, I have decided to give up and be thankful for the two little bundles of joy I have now!!!! so good luck

07-14-2004, 07:34 PM
Wow Anthill! That gives me hope! Thank you so much for posting this response. I wasn't sure when implantation bleeding would happen if it did at all...like, was this even the right time, or is my system just confused? lol I am going to try not to get my hopes up, but ohhhh...this would be SO COOL! :)

07-14-2004, 07:38 PM
Thats what happened with my last two babies. A week later the pg test said positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Sharinbo! :D

ang in NC
07-14-2004, 07:42 PM
I had pocs , not any more due to hystertomy! Everytime I got pg I spotted when I ovulated. PS I had to take Clomid to ovulate too!The streak you saw could be implantion like the other gal said.Don't be scared every pregancy I had I spotted too.Best of Luck!

07-15-2004, 04:57 AM
Wishing Sharinbo the best of luck if you are expecting once again :)

07-15-2004, 07:46 AM
Shari go here,these gals can answer ANY AND ALL questions you may have
